Welcome to WWE City!

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WWE City. The world headquarters of the World Wrestling Entertainment. A entire city dedicated to wrestling superstars. Everywhere you looked there was a tribute to some of the biggest names in the wrestling world. The Paw Patrol couldn't believe what they were seeing! But here they were about to witness the greatest sport events in the world.

 The Paw Patrol couldn't believe what they were seeing! But here they were about to witness the greatest sport events in the world

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"This is what I'm talking about!" Marshall cheered in excitement. "Wrestlemania! The birthplace of the greatest wrestlers in the world. I should know. My dad always sat ringside whenever he went." "Yes, so you tell us. Over and over and over again." Rocky groaned. "Relax, he's excited." Chase said, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I know! I'm just concerned that he's letting this go to his head. Besides, It's a school night." The Paw Patrol's resident genius replied. "Relax Rocky! We're here to watch history."Marshall said smiling. Apart from the Decadriver that was always on his waist, the fiery risk taker was wearing a T-shirt with the words "Hot Rod" on it.

 Apart from the Decadriver that was always on his waist, the fiery risk taker was wearing a T-shirt with the words "Hot Rod" on it

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"Don't blame me if you fall asleep on tomorrow's Math test Marshall!" Rocky moaned. "Wait, we have a math test?" Marshall asked awkwardly. "You forgot again, didn't you?" Rocky said shaking his head. "Cool it man! We're here to see history right now! And history beckons the Macho Man! Yeah!" Zuma shot back. "Puh-lease Zuma! Roddy Piper's the best." Marshall shot back. The Kaiba Corp duelist looked at his friend behind his sunglasses.

 The Kaiba Corp duelist looked at his friend behind his sunglasses

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"Piper's got nothing on Randy Savage!" Zuma shot back. "You two are BOTH wrong! The title belongs to Ghostbear. He's the greatest ever. He's gonna win number 200 tonight!" Rubble said proudly. "Puh-lease, Piper has never lost a match! You think Ghostbear could match his moves?" Marshall bragged. "Oh, here we go." Rocky rolled his eyes. "Not again." Chase groaned as he watched Rubble chase Marshall through the stalls. " You take that back Marshall! No one beats Ghostbear!" Rubble yelled. "Tell that to the Macho Man, oh yeah!" Zuma shot back as he dropped onto his friend and stuck his elbow into Rubble's back, making him fall to the ground. "Feel the power of the macho elbow!" Zuma yelled as he pinned the food lover down. "Uncle! Uncle!" Rubble yelled, his voice muffled by the dirt. "Phew, I thought he'd never shut up about Ghostbear." Marshall sighed in relief.

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