Chapter One

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A/N: Before this chapter begins I want to give a shoutout to 007 pettylesbo they started writing their first book!

Go read it now if you want!


"Before this next part shows we're gonna add someone!"

Soon Nyssa appeared in the room "Husband?" Nyssa stared at Oliver confused.

"Husband?!" Sara, Barry, and Kara said in unison.

"Please have a seat Nyssa," the voice "Your watching the future"

Before Nyssa could say more the show began to play.


Oliver hated when his birthdays ended up going down the drain.

First Rene and Dinah had been kidnapped, and then over the course of a few days, Curtis, Thea, Quentin, John, and Felicity had been taken as well. And just a few hours ago, Oliver had received a video message that showed his son, William, had been abducted.

All because of one Adrian Chase.

Enough was enough. Chase had gone too far, and now Oliver was going to hold nothing back in rescuing his friends and his family. And if Thea's father was going to help, if just to get her back... well, Oliver was going to take that help and run with it.
"Chase's helicopter flew to an abandoned airfield in Dawn Valley, Utah," he told Malcolm, looking down at the monitor running. "Then, five minutes later, this aircraft took off from the same field at a vector of 2-7-
0, due west."

"I can't believe I'm working with you of all people" Oliver groaned.

"At least it's not the person who killed your mother" Malcolm said eyeing Slade.

"You sabotaged the boat his was on and killed his father" Slade growled.

"Technically Robert committed suicide to let Oliver live" Malcolm replied.

"Are you two actually doing this?" Oliver asked glaring at both.

"Dear god children please shut up!"

"That would take him back to Star City," Malcolm frowned.
"Chase seems smarter than that."

"I'm trying to track this plane, but it's not easy without Felicity," Oliver nodded.

"The night before the Undertaking, some of my associates, especially those who were on the wrong end of your bow, thought that the Hood had computer skills," Malcolm pointed out.

"I had good hardware and a specific purpose," Oliver shook his head. "Chase turned off the transponder on the plane. Luckily, Felicity has access to a keyhole satellite that can track the heat signature of any aircraft in the world."

"Impressive," Malcolm admitted.

"Have to get lucky," Oliver muttered, impatiently tapping his fingers on the desk.

His attention was taken away when another computer started to beep. Malcolm looked at it with a frown, then turned back to Oliver. "Are you expecting someone?"

"Yes, I am," Oliver confirmed. "Because Chase is working with at least Black Siren, Evelyn Sharp, Talia al Ghul, and whatever army she's currently controlling."

"You're going against my sister?" Nyssa looked at Oliver. "Yeah" Oliver let out a sigh.

"So you called in
reinforcements," Malcolm chuckled. "If I wasn't such a confident individual, my ego might be bruised." Oliver braced himself.

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