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Kara was lying on her couch still grieving Mon-El, she heard knocking on her door "Kara!?" Alex shouted "I know you're in there!"

Kara was about to get up and answer the door when there was a flash a white light and suddenly she was in a theater room of sorts.


Kara opened her eyes to see her team ( J'onn, Alex, and Winn) standing there looking around, "Kara?" Winn said "Where are we?" he asked.

"I don't know" she replied. There was soon another white flash revealing Sara Lance, Barry Allen, and Team Arrow (Oliver, John, Felicity, Thea, Slade, Quentin, Black Siren, Samantha, William, and Malcolm)

"Barry?" Kara said.

"Where the hell are we?" Malcolm asked, Oliver was ready to fight.

"Calm down everyone!" A voice came over the speakers "Their not allowed to hurt you and your not allowed to hurt them!" she said.

"Who are you and what are we doing here!?" asked Felicity.

"You're reacting to Oliver and Kara!"

"What?" Oliver and Kara said at the same time.

"Your future," the voice said "I'm not allowed to reveal more than that" they said "apparently it'll mess up the timeline"

"Do you want to mess this up?"

"Get out of my ear!"

"Children stop!"

The hero's and two villains stood there and listened to the people bicker.

Someone else came on the speaker clearing their throat "Please have a seat" they said "and do look for the one with your names on it."

Everyone soon found their seats.


A/N: Next part will them reacting.

Thank you WritersBlock039 for letting me do this!

Past arroverse reacts The Unmatched Series: One Call AwayWhere stories live. Discover now