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Everyone was seated as the show began to play.


Oliver had certainly had a few weird days right in a row. First, his friend from Central City had run all the way to save him and John from Vigilante and recruit him, John, and his sister to fight against aliens known as the Dominators. Then Barry had gone to another universe to bring an alien to fight against the Dominators as well. Oliver prided himself on never getting unnerved, but this Kara Danvers ... she was something else. I Bulletproof, arrow proof, and atomic blast proof as well, she could crush every member of the team if she so wished. And after being held by the Dominators in an alternate world, he had shunned her, kept her at bay... and despite all that, she had saved his life.

Supergirl indeed.

He was speaking with Barry when he heard the clatter of heels behind him. "Hey, hey, guys!" Kara grinned as she ran up to them.

"This already happened" Barry said.

"Dude just watch"

"Hey," Barry greeted with a matching grin.

"Either of you ever save the world before?" Kara looked between them.

"Mmhmm," Barry nodded.

"Last year," Oliver nodded as well.

Sara and the three members of team arrow frowned.

Kara sighed, a smile on her face. "It doesn't get old, does it?"

"Nope," Barry shook his head. "Sure beats screwing up the world."

"Hey," Kara gave him an admonishing look. "You are too hard on yourself."

Oliver snorted. "That's what people usually tell me."

"And for good reason, I'm sure," Kara gave him a look next, then fiddled with her glasses. "But, back on my Earth, it's just me and my cousin. Between the two of us, we're more powerful than—"

"Yeah, everybody in this room combined," Barry mused.

"Yeah" Alex said.

"No, no, that's the point," Kara lightly cuffed him in the arm. "That's what you've all proven here. Metahumans or not, superpowers or not ... you are Earth's mightiest heroes."

She said it with such sincerity, Oliver looked down at his champagne to avoid looking at Kara's proud face. Barry was smiling back at her, and she was smiling back, and Oliver cleared his throat. "Um..." Kara turned to him, and he sighed. "I owe you an apology."

"Hold up" Thea said "Did you just apologize? Like an actual apology?"

"Shut up!" Oliver said.

Kara tilted her head, and Oliver hurried to go on.
"Keeping you at arm's length was the wrong move, and ... well, the truth is that this Earth could probably use a Supergirl."

Kara blinked, then looked at Barry. "Well, that's ... that's funny," she said, then looked up at Oliver. "Cause I was just thinking my Earth could use an Oliver Queen." Oliver did smile that time, and Kara gave him a wide smile. "I know you said you don't get unnerved," she continued, making Oliver sigh.
"But," she stressed, making him listen. "If you did, I think hardship is what makes us stronger. That's probably why these people look to you as their rock."

Oliver nodded, accepting the compliment, then Barry grinned mischievously. "You guys feeling the group hug?"

"No," Oliver said at once.

Past arroverse reacts The Unmatched Series: One Call AwayWhere stories live. Discover now