Chapter Seven (i)

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Prisca's POV

Lizzy's brow furrowed into a sharp V as she paced the room, phone clutched like a lifeline in her hand. Each unanswered ring from Joshua sent a fresh wave of irritation radiating off her in visible waves.

Twenty minutes of unanswered calls had transformed her initial concern into a simmering frustration that manifested in the tight clench of her jaw.

"Prisca," she finally burst out, her voice tight with barely suppressed annoyance, "your cousin is a real charmer, isn't he? Ignoring calls like that is some top-notch behavior."

A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. Lizzy's frustration was understandable, but I couldn't defend Joshua's actions without revealing my own growing unease. Opting for a change of subject, I pushed myself out of the worn comfort of my favorite armchair.

Lizzy's scowl deepened as she stalked off toward the kitchen, muttering under her breath. "Stubborn as a mule," I thought to myself, the worry for Joshua gnawing at the edges of my mind like a persistent rodent.

Alone in the living room, a sudden shift in the temperature, a prickle of cold air, made me glance up. Zach stood frozen in the doorway, his usual stoicism replaced by an unreadable intensity that crackled in the air around him.

My breath hitched in my throat as his gaze locked onto mine, a potent mix of emotions swirling within his dark eyes like a storm brewing. Before I could look away, overwhelmed by the intensity of his stare, he took a hesitant step forward.

"Prisca," he began, his voice rough with unspoken emotion, "I know this might seem strange, but there's something I need to—"

His words were cut short by a strangled gasp escaping my lips. My heart hammered against my ribs like a frantic bird trapped in a cage as I watched a shadow flit past the hallway entrance, disappearing into the shadows beyond.

The memory of the chilling incident in the basement flashed before my eyes, sending a jolt of fear through me. Panic threatened to rise in my throat, but I forced it down.

This wasn't the first time I'd seen a shadow.  Besides, telling Zach would only lead to him trying to protect me again, and I wasn't a helpless child!

Zach, sensing my distress, his brow furrowing in concern, asked, "Prisca, is everything okay? You look troubled."

Composing myself and fixing my gaze on him, I replied, my voice strained but steady, "I'm okay, Zach. What was it you were saying again? I'm all ears!"

Zach offered a reassuring smile, the tension easing slightly from his shoulders. "It's good that you're alright.

I wanted to apologize about what happened in the basement. I'm truly sorry about the injury you got, but I'm glad I was able to protect you then. Tell me more about these shadows; I would like to know and see how I can help you, Prisca."

A gasp escaped my lips from his sudden query about the shadows. Looking straight into his eyes that now shimmered with an unsettling coldness, I felt a shiver crawl down my spine.

Before I could voice my apprehension, the living room plunged into an unnatural darkness, a thick, suffocating darkness that seemed to extinguish all light.

Instinct taking over, I stumbled back in fear, my heart hammering a frantic rhythm against my ribs.

Out of a primal need for protection, I flung myself into Zach's arms, burying my face in his chest. He held onto me tightly, his strong arms a haven in the terrifying darkness.

SHADOW OF MYSELF Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin