⌗ !!

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hello loves, kiwon here; i just wanted to make a small announcement and reminders :)

so, i'm sure you all are familiar with 'silent reader' or reader's right? well, i just wanted to say that; please don't be like that.

(please note that i'm not forcing anyone and it is not my intention to sound like that)

yes, i get really happy and appreciated for my works when i get many readers! but sometimes, you should leave small comments and votes too which makes me feel even more appreciated and helps me get motivated!

not only me, but it helps many writers :)

please don't be a silent reader, you should atleast leave comments and votes too (not forcing ofc) if you can. even only a single comment can make me happy.

sometimes you might forget to do it but, if you can't comment please try to vote.. it really helps us!

alright for the announcement,
i won't be updating because i want to take a break. and also work on the plot 🥔

honestly speaking, i don't even feel motivated anymore. you're probably thinking i sound like an attention seeker and annoying for saying this out loud but, sometimes it's like i'm just forcing myself to write.

i get random ideas and feel motivated out of nowhere but idk how to write them out even though my first language is english.

and i also want to watch
enhypen, riize, nct and tws.

if some of the things i said up there doesn't make sense and are repeating; well, just bear with it.

thank you for reading, love you all; bye 😛✌️

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