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Thomas's detention was set for later that evening. It wasn't worse than Harry's at least. He was going to help Professor Lockhart with something. I could only wonder what he had in store for him. The thought alone of whatever Lockhart had concocted for Harry's punishment sent a shiver of amusement mixed with a twinge of sympathy through Thomas. His own summoning was by Professor McGonagall, to meet in the library, for reasons unknown. The mystery of it all tickled at the edges of his curiosity.

I was walking through the corridors of Hogwarts with Harry. The library wasn't far from Lockhart's office. And neither of us wanted to walk alone. Harry was telling me about why he couldn't send me or any of us any letters and what it was like there. "You should call the authorities, Harry. Heck, I think Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall would help you."

Harry shook his head, "Hagrid said I shouldn't. I don't know why. But I can live with it though. What's another couple more years." he said.

Things were getting quiet with us running out of conversation topics. Luckily Harry was the more talkative one out of the 2 of us, with a slightly teasing note in his voice, "So... You and Hermione? You 2 are getting close."

I laughed at Harry's words, "Yeah. I guess." he told him.

"You 2 been talking much?" Harry then asked.

"We talked for most of the holiday. Mainly 'cause Ron's letters always took a while to arrive. And yours... well... you know why. Hermione's come pretty much about 2 hours after I send mine." He replied. He then quickly realized something, "Wait, what's the date?" he blurted out, an edge of urgency in his voice.

Harry, momentarily taken aback, thought og the date before answering, "September 15th. Why?" he replied. Thomas froze then slapped his hand on his face. He groaned at himself and Harry turned to Thomas and stopped with him, "What is it?" he asked.

The realization hit Thomas like a cold wave. "It's Hermione's birthday in 4 days." Thomas's hand dropped, "And I haven't got her a present yet. I was going to do it on the holidays, but I got sidetracked." His frustration was palpable as he voiced his oversight to Harry, who stood by, a mix of confusion and concern etched across his features.

They continued walking, "I was just planning on giving her an enchanted quill. It changes color depending on what mood she's in and whatever she wants it to change to." Harry told him. Thomas looked at Harry, confused by the random gift. Harry noticed the look, "You see how she's always organizing her notes by color. And how she's always complaining on finding colored ink." 

Thomas titled his head to the side, "You're not wrong." he said. Now this was a problem.

They made it to the library and Harry left.

The room was dimly lit by the fading sunlight that struggled through the dust-caked windows, casting long shadows that danced on the walls. 

The Hogwarts Library, a vast repository of magical knowledge and wisdom, stood as one of the most impressive features within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As he stepped through its towering, oak double doors, he was greeted by the soft, reverent hush that blanketed the room, a testament to the respect and awe the library commanded among its patrons.

Rows upon rows of towering bookshelves stretch towards the high, arched ceilings, each filled to the brim with books of all sizes, ages, and topics imaginable. These shelves formed a labyrinthine network of aisles, inviting students and faculty alike to lose themselves in exploration and discovery. The books, some centuries old, were bound in everything from leather to peculiar materials that whisper secrets to those who know how to listen. Their titles shimmer in the dim light, hinting at the vast and varied magic contained within their pages.

The Chamber of Secrets | Hermione Granger x OC (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora