Harry the Paselmouth

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Sometime later, Harry, Thomas, Ron, and Hermione rushed into the deserted Gryffindor common room. Ron stopped Harry by holding him back by his shoulder, "You're a Parselmouth. Why didn't you tell us?" Ron asked as Harry turned to face them.

"I'm a what?"

"You can talk to snakes." Hermione explained. Did that mean Thomas was a Parselmouth since he understood Harry? He didn't hear a single thing coming from the snake though?

"I know. I mean, I accidentally set a python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once." Harry told them. Ron and Hermione looked alarmed, "Once. But so what? I bet loads of people here can do it."

"I doubt everyone was staring at you because it was a common thing, Harry." Thomas replied.

"He's right. Not many can." Hermione said, "It's not a very common gift, Harry. This is bad.

"What's bad? If I hadn't told that snake not to attack Justin-" Harry began.

"Oh, that's what you said to it!" Ron said in realization.

"You were there! You heard me!" 

"I heard you speaking Parseltongue, snake language."

"I spoke a different language?" Harry said in disbelief. "But I didn't realize... how can I speak a language without knowing I can?"

"Look, we don't know, Harry, but it sounded like you were egging the snake on or something." Thomas told him.

Harry glanced away, "Harry, listen to me." Hermione called, making him look back at her, "There's a reason the symbol of Slytherin House is a serpent. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth. He could talk to snakes too."

"Exactly! Now the whole school's gonna think you're his great-great-great-grandson or something." Ron said.

"But I'm not!" Harry paused. He refused to believe he could be the great heir to Slytherin. "I can't be..."

"He lived a thousand years ago. For all we know, you could be..." Hermione told him.

Later at night,

Thomas found himself sitting at the windowsill. He stared out in the window at the clouds covering the night sky. Mist was sitting right in front of him, watching him. At times it seemed like Mist was just waiting for Thomas to talk to him, eagerly waiting.

Thomas looked at the owl, "You think I should tell them?" Thomas asked her.

The owl cocked it's head at him. Thomas scoffed, "Sucks I can somewhat understand snakes but can't understand even an utter of owl." he said.

Mist flew off to her cage, Thomas's eyes following her. He then noticed Harry, who sat up now awake. "Why are you..." He rubbed his eyes, "Why are you awake?"

Thomas looked out the window, "Just thinking about some things." 

Harry looked at his friend skeptically then got out of the bed. He walked over to Thomas and sat opposite him on the windowsill, "Come on. Tell me." he said.

Thomas looked at his friend. It wouldn't hurt to tell him. Plus, it would probably make Harry feel a lot better since his chances of being the Heir to Slytherin would be a lot less now. Thomas sighed, "I... I understood what you said."

"Understood what?"

"When you spoke Parseltongue. I understood you. For like, one word but that's it." Thomas told him. Harry leaned back against the wall, taking it all in, "I didn't know how to tell you guys."

A smile grew on Harry's face, "That's what you're on about?" he said in disbelief. "You could've told us."

"I know, but... With you worried about being The Heir to Slytherin and all. I didn't want to add more possible problems."

Harry leaned forward, "I don't believe I'm the Heir To Slytherin. There's no way. And last I checked, it wasn't confirmed the Heir to Slytherin is a Parselmouth."

"You don't think you're in denial?"

Harry cocked his head, "Maybe. But still." He put his hand on Thomas's shoulder, "Maybe you just have the potential to be one. We aren't going to think of you differently even if you are a Parselmouth..." Thomas looked into his friend's eyes and a smile grew on his face.

"Thanks, Harry."

Harry nodded then got up and walked off, "Especially Hermione." he said as he walked off.

Thomas shot his head up and looked at Harry confusingly, "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked curiously.

"You'll find out." Harry vaguely answered as he got in bed.

Thomas sighed then let his head fall on the wall as he looked out in the open window.

The next day,

Harry, Thomas, Ron, Hermione, and several other students were in the study hall... well... studying. Harry looked behind him, and the students who were staring at him quickly looked away. He then looked at his 3 friends, but all of them gave them a look that they couldn't help. He looked behind him again and caught another group of students staring at him that quickly looked away. He then turned to Ginny, who quickly looked away from him and turned her attention to the black book before her that she was been writing in. Harry got up to leave.

Everyone stared at Harry as he exited the study hall. The trio looked at each other, "Should one of us follow him?" Hermione asked.

Ron shook his head, "Let's give him some time." he said.

And then the 2 looked back down at their books. Thomas still hadn't told them about the fact he understood a part of Harry's Parseltongue. This was as good of a moment as any. "Uhh, guys." Thomas said. Hermione and Ron looked back up, "I wanted to tell you guys something."

Ron and Hermione shared a glance, "Sure. What you want to tell us?" Ron asked.

Thomas fiddled with the pencil in his hands, "I understood Harry's Parseltongue." he finally told them.

They looked at Thomas with wide eyes, "You... what?" Hermione asked.

"Only about 1 word. And that was it." 

Hermione and Ron were silent, contemplating what they just heard. "You know how bad this could be?" Ron asked.

"You have to make sure nobody finds out." Hermione said as she put her hand onto Thomas's. "Who knows what I'd do if they did and do something to you."

Thomas looked down at Hermione's hand on top of his and it seemed Hermione had just noticed too. She pulled her hand back awkwardly, "I mean what we'd do."

Ron eyed Hermione awkwardly, "Oookay." He looked at Thomas, "If you're thinking we'd be mad. You're wrong. You're our friend. We're not going to get jealous or anything."

The three laugh, "Thanks, guys."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 11 ⏰

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