Flying To Hogwarts

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The Ford Anglia was parked at King's Cross Station as numerous people walk past it. In the station, me, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Percy, Fred, George, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were desperate to catch the Hogwarts Express before it leaves. We might've been a tad bit later than usual.

"10:58. Come on, come on!" Mr. Weasley told everyone as he walked alongside Ginny's trolley.

"Train will be leaving any moment!" Mrs. Weasley added.

We came up to Platform 9¾ and Mr. Weasley quickly told him sons, "Fred, George, Percy, you first!" he told them. Fred pushed his cart through the barrier to Platform 9¾, followed by Percy and George with each disappearing in the wall.

Mrs. Weasley patted Ginny's back, "Okay." she told her daughter. And Ginny pushed her cart and ran through the wall with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley following behind.

"After you, dear." Mr. Weasley said to his wife and she first disappeared through the wall; Mr. Weasley went in immediately after her.

Only me, Harry and Ron were left.

Harry turned to Ron and I, "Let's go." he said.

Ron and I nodded at him; then the three of us pushed our carts directly for the wall. Harry first. Ron behind him. And me behind Ron. However, instead of going through the wall, Harry inexplicably crashed right into it and fell over. Ron lost control of his cart, and fell over as well. I couldn't stop in time and I crashed into Ron's cart. I fell right over my cart and almost onto Ron.

Me, Ron and Harry got back up to our feet and dusted ourselves off painfully, groaning at our slight injuries. Harry held onto his arm and a station agent then came up to us. He looked like the one me and Harry saw last year, "Oy! What do you two think you're doing?" he questioned us.

I was about to explain, but luckily Harry spoke up for me. Honestly I didn't know what I was going to say, "Sorry. Lo-lost control of the trolley." he explained. The agent shook his head at us and walked away. Harry glanced at me and Ron, "Why can't we get through?" he asked us.

"I don't know." Ron said as I touched the wall with his hand, discovering the bricks had become solid. Why did the gateway close?? 

"The gateway's sealed itself for some reason." I added. Harry and Ron touched the wall to see that it was completely solid.

Suddenly we heard a loud clock chime. We all looked up at a nearby clock displaying the time 11:00. "The train leaves at exactly 11:00. We've missed it!" Harry told us.

Ron glanced at the clock in horror and I sighed painfully. Everything really was going wrong. Ron then turned to Harry, "Harry... if we can't get through, maybe mom and dad can't get back." Ron said worryingly.

"Maybe we should just go and wait by the car." I suggested. I didn't want to, but what choice did we have?

The sound of these words suddenly gave Ron an idea, "The car..." he said. Harry and I glanced at him, wondering what he's got in mind.

We found ourselves back in The Ford Anglia as it lifted off into the sky, with Ron driving and Harry in the front passenger seat and me in the backseat. I hovered unsteadily as we lifted and flew off.

I held onto my seat. I did not trust Ron to drive a car, even if he did have a driver's license. Harry turned to Ron, "Ron, I should tell you, most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car." he told him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's true." I said quickly. I just wanted to get this over with.

"Uh, right." Ron said and he pressed a button. The car turned invisible and we continued to fly off to the Hogwarts Express. 

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