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Now, I have never played Quidditch before. I've read a lot about it. And watched a lot of it. But I've never actually tried it out myself. 

Today was going to be my first day of training. I took Professor McGonagall's suggestion to heart and signed myself up. I didn't think I'd make the cut, but coincidentally, Alicia Spinnet had quit the team to make time for school studies after Oliver's new training program apparently. So there was an open spot for the team.

It took a bit of convincing from Harry, but Oliver eventually accepted my application. It was mainly from the fact that my mother was the best keeper Hogwarts had ever seen. Or one of the best at least.

But before he would let me be the keeper, which was his position, he said I had to prove myself as a Chaser. It didn't sound so bad. Scoring goals and whatnot.

He gave me a set of Quidditch sports close and we went off to training to see what I could do.

Me and Harry were walking down a corridor wearing our Quidditch outfits, accompanied by the rest of the team: Oliver Wood, Fred, George, Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell.

Charlie began explaining his training program to all of us, "I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program. We are going to train earlier, harder, and longer." He glanced to his left, the rest of the team followed his gaze, "What...? I don't believe it." We stepped out into the courtyard and my day was immediately ruined. The Slytherin Quidditch team, also dressed for Quidditch, walked up to us. Ron and Hermione were sitting nearby; Oliver directed his attention to the team's captain, Marcus Flint, "Where do you think you're going, Flint?"

"Quidditch practice." He said smugly.

"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today." Oliver replied.

"Easy, Wood. I've got a note." He pulled out and held out a rolled up scroll. Wood took it and opened it.

I saw Ron and Hermione get up from their seats and began to walk towards us. Oliver began to read the scroll aloud, "I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker." He looked up from the parchment as I saw Hermione and Ron had stopped beside the Slytherin Quidditch team, "You've got a new Seeker, who?" Marcus steps aside, and before I thought things could get worse, Draco stepped out towards us.

My eyes widened and I froze. Why of all people, this spoiled brat? Harry was amazed that his nemesis was now a member of the Slytherin Quidditch team, "Malfoy?" he questioned.

"That's right. And that's not all that's new this year." Draco said and then he put his broom at his side.  Me, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team examined the brooms Draco and the rest of the Slytherin team are holding. I hadn't seen anything like it. It was clean, smooth with metal parts as well.

Ron stared at them with wide eyes, "Those are Nimbus 2001s! How did you get those?" he asked.

"A gift from Draco's father." Marcus answered.

"You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best." Draco added.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Hermione told him.

Draco glared at her in annoyance as he took a few steps and stopped only at arms length in front of her, "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood." he told her.

Mudblood? What did that mean?

Hermione glared at him. Whatever Mudblood meant, it clearly wasn't a good term, judging by Hermione's face. Draco sneered at her.

"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!" Ron replied and he took out his wand and aimed it at Draco, "Eat slugs!" he yelled.

Unfortunately, Ron's spell backfired, blasting him off backwards and onto the ground. Me, Harry and Hermione immediately rushed to his side. "You okay, Ron?" I asked. He didn't look okay. He looked like he was about to vomit and was keeping something in. He turned over onto all fours.

"Say something!" Hermione then said.

Ron opened his mouth as if to say something, but instead he spat out a... slug??

Suddenly I heard pictures being taken from behind me. I turned and saw Colin taking pictures of  of Ron, "Wow! Can you turn him around, Thomas?" he asked innocently.

"No, Colin! Get out of the way!" I told him. 

Me and Harry helped Ron to his feet, "Let's take him to Hagrid." Harry said. Ron regurgitated another slug, "He'll know what to do." The four of us rushed off to Hagrid's as Ron continued spitting out slugs and the Slytherins laughed at us.

Hagrid's Hut

Me, Harry and Hermione sat of either side of Ron as he tried not to throw up any more slugs. Hagrid walked towards us with a bucket, "This calls for a specialist's equipment. Ron took the bucket as Hagrid sat down, "Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I'm afraid." Ron threw up another slug and I cringed at the sighed, "Better out than in. Who was Ron trying to curse, anyway?"

"Malfoy." Harry said.

"He called Hermione..." Thomas added, but realized he didn't know what 'Mudblood' meant. Me, Harry and Ron glanced at her. She still looked very hurt, so I didn't repeat the word, "Well, I don't... I don't know exactly what it means."

"Me neither." Harry added.

Still upset, she got up and folded her arms as she walked away from her friends, "He called me a Mudblood." she said.

Hagrid gasped in shock, "He did not!" he said.

"What's a Mudblood?" Me and Harry said in unison. I hated not being in the know with wizarding world terms.

Hermione spun around to face us, "It means 'dirty blood'. Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who is muggle-born, someone with non-magic parents, someone like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation." she said and sat on the edge of the bench.

I was shocked. There was a term for that?? What kind of evil person would make up such a term?

Hagrid then began to elaborate more, "See, the thing is, Harry, Thomas, there's some wizards, like the Malfoy family, who think they're better than everyone else, because they're what people call pure-blood."

Harry was appalled by this, "That's horrible." he said. Ron coughed up another slug and Hermione glanced at him, then me. To say I was angry was an understatement. I was pissed.

I got up and began to make my way to the exit, "When I get my hands on Malfoy-!" I began, but suddenly, Hermione grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Don't!" She told me. "I've been dealing with this for a while. I'm trying to learn to just ignore it."

"Hermione. You shouldn't be dealing with this in the first place. Draco's going to-"

"Thomas... Please." She stared into my eyes. In that moment, I never noticed how beautiful they were. I could spend the next couple of minutes staring into those nerdy eyes. 

I sighed, "Fine... But it's-"

"Codswallop to boot." Hagrid interrupted, sounding angry as well. Hermione began to drag me back off to the bench with Harry and Ron, "Dirty blood... Why, there isn't a wizard alive today that's not half-blood or less. More to the point, they've yet to think of a spell that our Hermione can't do. Come here." Hermione smiled and walked to him, "Don't you think on it, Hermione. Don't you think on it for one minute. Hey?" Hermione, despite the tears in her eyes, donned a smile.

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