Chapter 37: 10k SPECIAL!! :D

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3rd person POV:

The Emperor stood on a balcony in his castle. "Felix, come here my boy." He called, green sludge oozing from a cut in his arm. A young witch stepped forward to join his side. "Yes, Emperor Belos, uncle?" The boy wasn't really a witch, though, but a grimwalker; a clone of someone, who was in this instance The Emperor's older brother, Caleb, who was dead. He looked down at the blonde standing next to him and saw his brother's cold eyes staring back. He shook the thought from his head.

"Have you completed the mission I gave you?" Belos spoke finally, watching the boy flinch at his cold tone. "Well, no, but-" Felix tried to reason, but Belos didn't want to hear it. He grabbed him by the arm. "You have ten seconds to explain to me why you couldn't find that monster." He spoke, voice deep and gravelly. "I-" Just then, there was a knock at the door to the throne room in which they stood. "Yes?" Belos called, sliding the golden mask back over his face. A coven scout walked into the room, removed his mask, and bowed down at The Emperor's feet. "Emperor Belos, we have located the basilisk and are now holding a trial for them, would you like to attend?" Belos hummed quietly, "See Felix, that wasn't so hard, was it? Go to your room while I deal with this." He let go of the boy's arm, then followed the scout out of the room.

Felix massaged his hand over the indentation that the cold metal glove left on his arm, then left the room and travelled down the hall to find his own. "It's not as easy as you think." He complained, plopping down back first onto his not-so-soft bed. Rolling over onto his side, the boy distractedly tugged at a piece of his fluffy blonde hair. "Why is he always so hard on me but not the other scouts? I'm not even eighteen yet!" He looked up at the small red bird perched on his windowsill. "What do you think, Flap?"

Flapjack did the bird equivalent of a shrug. He had had this same conversation hundreds of times before, with hundreds of other grimwalkers, but never once did he know what to say. In all his four-hundred years of living, he still could not find the words- rather the chirps. Felix sighed and rolled over in his bed to get some sleep, something he hadn't gotten in over forty-eight hours.

When he woke up, Felix was met with the rapid, alarmed chirps of Flapjack, who yanked at the strand of blonde hair hanging in front of his face to get him up and out of bed. "Ow- Ow- Ow- What is it, Flap?" Without a response, the little red bird led him out of the room, down the hall, to the basement door. Felix followed downstairs, and into a room he didn't recognize. "Where are you taking me?" He called, but was met with silence other than the quick beat of wings and following footsteps. Flapjack stopped and stood on the ground near a rusted old cell. "Rust... But Belos hates it when things get old and dirty like this." Felix said to no one in particular.

Just when he thought it was just him and Flapjack, he heard a voice. "Hello?" It came from within the cell. Felix jumped back when he saw a strange, almost mermaid-like creature slither into the light. "Who are you? I don't recognize your voice." They spoke, sniffing the air. Their eyes were covered with a dirty white rag.

"I'm Felix, the Golden Guard, Emperor Belos' right-hand man. Who- What are you?" The creature shrunk back at the mention of The Emperor. "Is he here right now?" They didn't answer his question. Felix cocked his head in confusion out of habit, one pointed ear twitching slightly. "No, just us. Answer me."

They slithered towards the bars at which he stood, fidgeting with their clawed fingers. "My name is Vix, or subject number seven. I'm a basilisk, and one of the last of my kind. We're supposed to be extinct, but Belos brought us back. I had almost escaped until his guards caught me." Vix sounded sad, or disappointed, maybe. "Wouldn't you be happy he brought you back?" Felix asked, thoroughly confused. Vix shook their head, "He treats us like lab rats. Until a few hours ago, I had never even felt the warmth of the sun."

Felix's demeanor changed. He knew some didn't like Belos, but he never knew why, until today, that is. "I'll get you out of this hellhole, Vix." He decided aloud, pulling out a bobby pin that was usually used to keep his medium-length hair out of his face, and picking the lock. He had learned how to lock-pick from one of the coven scouts he was friends with, Darius.

Swinging open the cell door, Felix guided Vix back up the stairs and down the hall as quickly as possible, Flapjack trailing behind them. Rounding a corner and through another door, the trio stopped when Vix tugged on his shirt. "I hear someone coming." They whispered. "Two people, just around the corner and down the hall." Felix turned a surprised head, to which Vix just pointed at their own ears and gave them a proud wiggle.

As the two coven scouts walked down the hall towards them, Felix, Vix, and Flapjack just narrowly avoided being spotted. After they knew the halls were empty, they beelined it to the back exit, and quickly rushed out the door. It almost looked like the basilisk's skin turned a warmer shade when it hit the light. They hummed warmly. "No time for enjoying things, we have to go. Belos will kill me if he finds out what I've just done." Felix laughed, but ended up just making a really disturbing statement because of how serious he sounded.

I really am serious, by the way." The blonde turned to face Vix with a laugh. "Belos would HATE it if I 'betrayed' him." He made air quotes. "He'd probably try to-" Felix stopped dead in his tracks and let out a small squeak as if he couldn't breathe. Vix, who was now in front of him, turned around to ask why he stopped, only to be met with a smell all too familiar. Blood.

A spear retracted itself from the wound it created, returning comfortably to the side of a coven scout, who stood next to The Emperor himself. Felix tried to inhale, but only choked and coughed, blood spewing from his mouth. The basilisk stood, frozen with fear, not quite staring into dark, sleepless eyes, which fluttered closed just before the soft 'thud' of his limp body hitting the grass. "He was right, you know. I would kill him if he betrayed me." The cold voice bounced off the walls of the golden mask he wore, "But I'd rather let the scouts do all the dirty work."

Vix lunged forward to grab Felix, then slithered off into the forest before anyone could think to react. They could feel his pulse, but it was fading quickly, and his breaths were choked and shallow.

They leaned him up against an old tree deep in the thicket and could only cry for him as the soft pitter-patter of his heartbeat slowed to a stop. Vix's greenish blue hands stained red as they gripped the dead body of the only friend they had; the only creature on that god-forsaken planet who did not see them as a monster, but as a person; their only escape from reality.

Vix left that night, never to return.

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also did u guys like a chapter focusing around the previous golden guard?? i wrote this for a creative writing assignment in school lol

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