Chapter 12: A Knock at the Door

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hey y'all 😍

Hunter's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes, and I groaned in response. I rolled over and pulled out my scroll, checking the time.

Damn I slept late.

I thought as I watched the time change from 8:31 to 8:32. I slunk out of bed and went downstairs into the kitchen. I saw Darius sitting on the couch in the living room, and waved to him. He waved back, giving me a smile as I opened the pantry door.

I looked around, spotting a box of cereal called "Monster Munch". It sounded interesting, so I pulled out the box and grabbed demon milk from the fridge. I poured the milk into a bowl, followed by the cereal.

This man is a menace to society 😦

Grabbing a spoon from a drawer, I put away the milk and cereal. I turned around, bowl of cereal in hand, just to drop it when I see Darius right behind me. "TITAN!- Jeez, what is wrong with you? You made me drop my cereal." I said, picking up the broken pieces of bowl and tossing them into the trash, and plopping a towel over my mess of milk and cereal.

Once I had made my new bowl of cereal, I turned around again, and Darius was still standing there. He looked as if I had just been swallowed by a griffin right in front of him.

"What?" I asked in all seriousness, wondering why he looked like that. "DID YOU JUST POUR MILK BEFORE CEREAL?!" He screamed, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me. I flinched, shutting one eye and turning my head away from him.

"Oh, sorry Hunter." Darius said, letting go of my shoulders.

I looked around, wondering why he made such a big deal out of it. Dramatic much? "Uhh, you're gonna make me drop my cereal again." I said, wiping a drop of spilled milk of my face. Darius squinted at me as I went up to my room with my bowl of cereal.

Shutting the door with my foot, I sat down on the bed, holding my cereal with both hands. After finishing my fruity (like the person reading this) cereal, I went back downstairs and poured my leftover milk into the sink and washed out my bowl.

As I was walking up to my room, I heard a knock on the door. I whipped my head around and saw Darius shoo me up the stairs. Getting to my room as quick and quiet as possible, I heard Darius say "Coming!" followed by the door opening.

"Oh, he's upstairs in the guest bedroom on the right." Shit. Did Darius just rat me out? Was that an Emperor's Coven guard? I'm gonna be brought back to.. Philip. He's gonna slit my throat.

I heard quick footsteps up the stairs, and I jumped under the bed. I heard a knock at the door, and I stayed as quiet as possible. I felt tears prick my eyes, and my breathing became shallow and fast. As the door creaked open, I heard a familiar voice. "Hunter?"

"Gus!" I felt my heart rate return to normal as I jumped out from under the bed and wiped my eyes."Uhh, hold on a quick second!" I squeaked as I jumped to close to door.

"Wait what? Hunter?" Gus shouted as the door closed in front of him. Right as it did, I threw off my shirt and put my binder on, putting my shirt back on afterwards. Hopefully he didn't notice.

Throwing the door back open, I was met with a confused Gus. "Sorry about that." I said with a smile. I sat back down on my bed and welcomed Gus in. He looked around, sitting on the bed next to me. "Hunter this bed is so soft oh my Titan." Gus' eyes widened as he squished the fabric down with his hand.

"I know, right. I fell asleep so fast when I first lied down on this." Gus giggled a bit, "Hunter, you don't look like you've gotten a full night of sleep in your life."

"I probably haven't." I responded without thinking. "Dude you need sleep." Gus side eyed me. "I know." I smiled. He's fun to talk to.

A few hours later

After hanging out with Gus for a while, eventually the sun started to set. He said his dad told him to be back by sunset, so I flew him over to his house with Flapjack. Pretty much the entire way there, Gus held on to my shoulders and stood on the back of my staff.

I dropped Gus off at his house, also meeting his dad for a brief moment, before heading back to Darius' house. I walked back up the stairs, and into my room, Flapjack perched on my shoulder. I flopped back onto the bed, falling asleep pretty much immediately.

For some reason, my back hurt a bit right before I fell asleep, but I ignored it.

842 Words




~Voidussy 🍑

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