Chapter 25: I Love You.

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I took until new years off, and cut u bitches some slack, tell a friend to tell a friend...


Hunter's POV:

I hope this moment lasts forever...  I thought to myself as I looked over at Willow; face occasionally lit up with the rest of the room, thunder soon to follow each flash of lightning. "Hey, Willow?" My voiced echoed softly through the almost silent room, Willow humming back just as quiet in response. "About what I was going to say before that thunder scared the shi- err, anyway..." I continued with a nervous laugh, averting eye contact with Willow.

"Well, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you, Willow, for being one of my best friends. Thank you for just being there for me, and caring for me, and being nice to me. I..." I paused, took in a deep breath, and glanced over at Willow for a short second. "I love you. But like in a platonic way- like as in you're my best witch friend. Flapjack is my best friend in general, no offense by the way. But I'm just saying that I love you platonically.. not romantically." I felt my face flush at the word romantic, even though I didn't even really know what it meant, or what it felt like to love someone that way.

Willow's face softened, and she gently placed her hand on top of mine. "I love you too, Hunter." I felt the tips of my ears and my cheeks grow slightly warm, but pushed the feeling back down. I'm guessing she noticed the blush though, because she let out a small giggle. And to avoid the awkward blush spreading across my face and ears, I stood up, hand still in Willow's. "WhY-" My voice cracked, Willow letting out a snort in response as she stood up next to me. "Why don't we go on another night fly, like we did after you cut my hair? I think the rain stopped already."

Willow gave a toothy smile in response, and dragged me with her to fetch Clover and Flapjack. We had to be as quiet as possible, flinching at every creak the basement stairs made, only to see that Gus was still awake anyways. He looked up as we reached that last step, looked between the both of us, and then back down at his scroll with an unamused expression. I quickly grabbed Flapjack, pulling him into staff form, then went with Willow to go get Clover. When we opened the door to Luz's room, we were immediately hit with a wave of hot air. I scrunched my nose, and looked over to Willow, who seemed unaffected.

"It's always like this." Willow whispered with a snicker. I looked around to see Vee's tail hanging off the side of the top bunk of Luz's bed, Luz halfway hanging her own bunk, and Amity sleeping peacefully on her side facing towards Luz. Willow and I snuck over to the windowsill, where Clover slept most of the time, only to be distracted by a loud snore erupting from Luz. Willow almost burst into laughter, but was able to keep it down to just a snort. I held back a laugh as well, but being the former Golden Guard helped to keep back any unserious behavior. Willow grabbed Clover, turning her into staff form before she had the chance to make too much sound.

We finally got back into the living room with our staffs, and let out a long awaited three minute cackle. When our laughter finally died down, we headed outside. Only when we were about to take off, though, did I realize we were still holding hands, and let go. I turned my head to hide a blush already shaded by dim moonlight, and took off into the sky. Willow trailed close behind, wind swiftly tugging at her unbraided hair as she sped up to join my side. "It's a nice night for a fly, would ya mind if I joined you?" Willow teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

I held back a laugh, joining her in the playful banter. "Do what you wanna do." I turned my head away from her, avoiding eye contact. I could practically hear her smirk as she responded "Well that's great, 'cause I'm going to."

I side eyed her, only to catch her right next to my face, staring dead at me with wide eyes. She let out a burst of contagious laughter when she was caught, causing me to laugh too, pushing her away from me. The laughter died down when we noticed we were passing over the spot we stopped and talked the first time we went out on a night fly together. "Let's go farther out into the human realm this time. There's still so much to explore!" Willow exclaimed, leaning closer to me. "...That actually sounds really-" I was interrupted by a dart of some sort whooshing right in between us, and a short white man with brown hair and glasses down below us screaming "GO BACK TO THE SHADOWS FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!!" and shooting a bunch more at us. I caught one just before it hit my face, and tossed it back to the man. He let out a shrill scream as it hit him in the head, causing Willow and I to laugh.

I felt my laugh constricted slightly by my binder, so I cleared my throat instead. "We should probably fly somewhere else if we don't want this guy to call bounty hunters or something." Willow giggled as she took one last look at the man below us, and took off before I could react. I flinched, a look of surprise quickly forming, then being taken over by one of determination as I took off after her. "You're not getting away that easily!" I yelled ahead to Willow, who turned around and stuck her tongue out at me.

after a while, she slowed down and allowed me to catch up with her. She pulled to a stop right on the edge of a glowing white light in the distance, stopping and landing. I pulled in next to her, Flapjack turning back into his Cardinal-like form. We stood together on the edge of a cliff, a large human city down below. We watched in awe at the lights which shimmered in the dark of the night, at the advanced technological capability of humankind. "It's... pretty." I said, unsure of how to word it.

"You're pretty."


1073 words





Toxic Mentality~ {TRANS HUNTER AU}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora