Chapter 33: Back to School

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yall imma be completely honest until now i completely forgot that they were gonna go to school in gravesfield- but enjoy the chapter :D

also i wrote the majority of this chap while sick, so if you see any misspellings feel free to point and laugh

Hunter's POV:

I didn't bother looking up when I heard someone walk into the room, but instead closed my eyes in annoyance when I heard Gus snicker. With a heavy sigh, I rolled my head to the side to look at Willow. She looked over at me and flashed a toothy grin, prompting me to smile back, and reflect her loving energy with it. I turned my head back to stare blankly at the ceiling. My eyes traced over all the lines and crevices, one ear twitching with boredom. I closed my eyes once more, taking a slow, relaxed breath. "You awake?" Willow checked after a few minutes. I nodded in response, afterwards noticing my face felt a little warm.

Luz's POV:

Hunter ended up falling asleep again after a long pause of silence, his head slumped over to the side towards Willow, which alerted her he had fallen asleep. Too afraid that she'd wake him up if she moved or talked too loud, Willow also fell asleep about 30 minutes later.

I had walked into the living room after finding a good stopping point in The Good Witch Azura probably five minutes before Hunter fell asleep, talked with Willow a bit, then scrolled through Pinterest for a bit. Saving a Hecate x Azura fanart to my "Heczura!! xp" board, I closed out the app and set my phone down on the side table next to the cushioned chair I sat on. In that moment, a terribly hilarious idea -which was probably more terrible than hilarious- popped into my head, and I ran as quietly as I could into my room and grabbed my laptop. Even though I had school the next day, and probably should have been taking a shower, or brushing my teeth, I opened up PowerPoint and started making a presentation. This is gonna be fun, I thought.

Hunter's POV:

I woke up to an obnoxious sound blaring from Luz's phone, which was sitting on the side table next to her unmoving, snoring body. I tried to get up to turn it off and get ready for human school, only to feel strong arms wrapped around my torso pull me back in. They were Willow's. My face and ears turned a shade of deep red. My sensitive ears turned downwards in a failed attempt to block out the annoying alarm noise, and Willow mumbled something unintelligibly under her breath, probably still asleep. I scooted slowly backwards out of a sleeping Willow's grip, then got up, turned off Luz's alarm, and went to go brush my teeth. After quickly brushing my teeth, and making sure to brush behind my fangs, because I usually forgot to do so, I crept downstairs into the basement and got dressed while Gus slept peacefully beside me. I slipped on my binder, followed by black cargo pants, a long sleeve black undershirt with thumb holes on the sleeves, and a white short sleeve t-shirt which had a cardinal on the front of it, and a few red feathers sewn onto the elbow-length sleeves. I had done that part myself.

Putting on a matching red beanie to cover my ears, and the black Converse Camila had bought for me, I slipped my phone into my pocket, put on my black checkered backpack thet Luz had picked out, and quietly ran up the stairs and back into the living room. I shook Luz awake, to which she dropped her laptop onto the floor. "Go get dressed for school." I said, sitting back down on the couch next to Willow, who had just woken up, and was stretching. As Willow went to get ready, I pulled out my phone and used the camera feature to fix my hair.

Amity was the first to be ready and walk out into the living room to wait for the others. I waved at her with a short yawn, then went into the kitchen to make coffee. Vee was next, followed by Camila, who also made herself a cup of coffee. Before long, Willow, Gus, and Luz were ready, and everyone hopped into Camila's car, and headed towards the school. At the front office we were handed our schedules and maps, and sent on our ways. My first period was Art, which I was hoping would be fun.

766 words

sorry i had to cut the chapter a little short, i had terrible writers block this week 😭

ily guyss, cya in two weeks ✌️

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