Chapter 15: Fangs

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I honestly love y'all sm 😜

Hunter's POV:

I began to wake up, hearing's someone's voice, but not being able to recognize it. I regained a little more consciousness, when I recognized the voice as Willow's. She almost sounded like she was arguing with someone, and I just barely caught the tail end of her rant. "So no wonder why he talks about me a lot, he's my best friend, and I love him like one."

I felt tears well in my eyes, and I attempted to push them back. She looked down at me, and I assumed that's when she realized I was awake. "Willow?" I sat up, wiping the tears that formed at the corners of my eyes.

Willow looked at me and smiled. "Good morning sleepyhead." I blushed, and my ears went down. "It's not morning." She shrugged. "No, but you were asleep for a while." I cocked my head, and my ears perked up a bit. "How long?"



"Uhmm, probably two hours. Maybe two and a half, I helped Darius clean up around the house for a bit." Willow put some sugar in her tea, and sipped it to test how hot it was. I stood up, cracking my back as I did so. "Uhgg my back hurts." I complained, sitting back down and cracking each joint in all of my fingers. I then cracked my neck, elbows, and knees.

Willow gave me a disgusted look, but Darius was used to it by now. "Hunter what the actual fuck." My ear twitched, while I kept a blank expression. I yawned, my ears turning downward and my fangs going on display. When I opened my eyes again, Willow was right in front of me. "AAH!-" I fell backwards off the couch. "Titan, Willow what is wrong with you?" I stood up, dusting myself off.

Willow backed up, smiling awkwardly. "Sorry, but your fangs are a lot longer and sharper than most kids your age. But I don't know any kids my age. I thought, kind of disappointed. "...They are?" I asked curiously, obviously not knowing many witches outside of the Emperor's Coven. "Yeah!" She responded, seeming really interested. I sat back down in front of Willow, now getting quite curious.

"I must know more." My eyes widened, and I sat criss-crossed in front of Willow with a smile. Darius groaned, walking back into the kitchen. We talked about my fangs (along with every single one of my special interests and hyperfixations) for probably over an hour. Me and Willow could probably talk for an hour more if Darius didn't call me upstairs. "Coming!" I shouted as I ran up to his room, leaving Willow alone downstairs.

"Is something wrong?" I panted, seeming a lot more out of breath than usual. Darius furrowed his eyebrows, looking at me in a concerning way. "Stand up straight." I straightened my back, and groaned. "My back still h-" The amount of times this man has interrupted me is wild. But this time it was for good reason. "Hunter, are you still wearing your binder?" Darius whispered, knowing I wouldn't have told anyone I'm trans.

Shit. I panicked, only now noticing the pain in my chest and the heavy breathing. I groaned, sliding down the wall and tucking my head into my knees. Darius facepalmed. "Hunter, it's not a big deal. You just have to take it off."

"But I can't!" I whined, looking back up at Darius. He put a hand on his hip, squinting at me. "And why is that?" I stood back up and threw my hands into the air. "Because then I wouldn't be flat-chested anymore! That is a dead giveaway that I'm.. That I'm trans. And- And- She doesn't know! What if she doesn't support me? I can't tell her! Not now, not ever." I rambled on about my paranoia, but Darius only sighed, and shook his head. "Then just tell her to leave."

That is the stupidest response I've ever heard. "But she might not want to leave without probable cause! And then she'll get all suspicious, and..." I paused once again. "And I don't want her to leave." I slouched over, letting out a loud sigh mixed with a groan of discomfort.

Darius ruffled my hair, chuckling slightly as he did so. "Kid, you give me a headache," He looked back down at me. "but you really do need to take that thing off." I furrowed my eyebrows at him, before letting out another loud sigh, and cracking my back. "Fiiiiine, but what do I tell Willow?" I grumbled, most likely barely audible to Darius, but fortunately he was used to it.

"Tell her to fuck off, I don't know." Then Darius went back downstairs. I walked back down, and sat next to Willow. "What that all about?" She raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly. I covered my face with my hands, giving a muffled groan in response. "Long story." She smirked. "My curfew is only before dark, and if I called my dads, they'd most likely let me stay." I peered out between my fingers, pinning my ears down. "How about you just don't ask."

Willow snickered, covering her mouth with one hand. "Sorry, sorry, won't ask." Darius appeared around the corner, eyeballing me. I decided the coffee table is quite interesting, and to look at that instead. Darius groaned. I could see Willow side-eyeing me out of the corner of my eye. "What's that all about?"

"Would you believe me if I said long story?" I smiled nervously, avoiding eye contact. "No." She crossed her arms. "Yeahh, that's what I thought." I looked back up at Willow and chuckled slightly. Darius suddenly stormed out of the kitchen, grabbing my hand and dragging up upstairs. "AAAHHH- WILLOW TELL MY STORY!" was all I could get out before he dragged me into my bedroom.

999 words

yaaaaay another longish chapter!

hru guys?? like the story so far? :D

anyway lmao have a good day/night or whatevs :p

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