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"So, you're saying this hair salon is the common link between the yachas and we have to get in to find out about the what and how?" Rang asked

"Yeah, exactly."

"But why do you want me to disguise as a girl? And what do I have in it if I help you?" Rang asked irritated.

"Because you're the best at disguises and if we solve this case we can find the man who stabbed you." Rang felt taken aback that Yeon wanted to do this to seek revenge.

"Fine, but i'll go as a customer instead."

"They don't take male customers." Aera cleared her throat at their bickering.

"You two have really poor eyesight for some powerful nine tailed foxes. Why would Rang have to disguise as a human woman when you already have one right in front of you?" Aera asked pointing towards herself as the brothers looked at each other then spoke in sync,

"Because it's dangerous." Aera rolled

"Oh look. They are hiring workers. We can just apply as a worker."

a girl who kept interrupting the older to come and see some people spoke again.

"Why are you pestering me at such an early hour ?" The director finally said

But the director's temper melted at a faster rate compared to the glaciers in Antarctica when she saw two good looking men in her salon, dramatically dropping the pair of scissors on the ground.

"Beautiful male sculptures from the Louvre in Paris." The director exclaimed as Yeon picked up the scissors she dropped and handed it to her putting on his best act.

"Its a pity you won't hire male workers."

"What is this drama?" Aera asked herself

"Monsieur!" The director called out as the gumiho's were leaving. "You're hired."


"Well looks like I don't have much works to do. I'm gonna be receptionist and some cleaning. " Aera said

"Then why are they making me surve tea."


"I didn't ask you to stand there and chit-chat miss." The director popped up from behind the two.

"I'd like a rich cup of coffee made by Monsieur lee." She spoke to Rang switching her tone with a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Two spoonful each of coffee, cream and sugar ?" Rang spoke with a stiff smile.

"Oh, merci !" The lady said as she asked the woman who was instructing Rang about the tea and coffee system to come with her to fix a broken mirror.

As the cell phone was right in front of the room Rang works Aera didn't failed to notice that situation.

After an hour or two of suffering, the trio joins each other in a room to talk. "Three worms. It's those ladies !" Rang said slamming his hands on the table.

"No, they're just hitting on you." Yeon said in a soul less voice.

"It's either the director or the employees. How is it for you two ?" Aera asked.

"The employee im marking is just pathetic."

"Mine is just chatty." Rang and Yeon replied respectively.

"Its the director then. Lets get her." Rang said getting impatient.

"As much as I have a strong dislike towards the director for making me over work, I don't think she has what we're looking for."

"What about you? Anything caught your eye ?" Rang asked Aera knowing she had something more to say.

"Remember when we were having our tea-coffee lessons and the director called the lady to fix a mirror ? That wasn't the only one. From what I saw, almost all the mirrors in the salon are broken or cracked. And I feel it does not have a normal reason behind it."

"Broken mirrors ? I'll use that." Yeon mumbled to himself with a slight grin on his face.

"There's one more thing but i'll tell you guys about that later. I have to go before she starts yelling my name."

"Ma'am, let's get new mirrors here. It's a beauty salon only with broken mirrors. I'll find some suppliers." Yeon brought up the topic casually.

"Oh right. How reliable. Please take care of it. I'll get going then." She said as she left with the rest of the employees saying goodbye to the brothers and giving Aera a forced smile.

"She didn't react much."

"Did they leave ?" Aera asked and at Rang's nod she threw the broom in her hands, lightly across the room in its place then asked the gumiho's to come with her.

"Yeon, you said the worms can enter the body if one eats them, drinks them or applies them to the skin, right?" Aera asked stopping in her tracks to explain what she's doing.

"Yeah, right. What about it?"

"I saw the director take an old woman to this room and hand her some cream."

"So, you think the worms could be in there?" Rang asked as Aera nodded.

"Okay, you both check here. Somethings bothering me so i'll go check that." Yeon said leaving the two as he walked off to another part of the hair salon. As soon as Yeon left, loud knocks on the door of the salon startled Aera and Rang.

"Damn, who is it?"

"We need to hide." With that Aera pulled Rang behind the curtains as she stood in front of him, barely inches away. He could hear her breathing, the vanilla scent that surrounded her, and her heart beating normally while his felt like he had just run a marathon. Everything about her felt familiar to him, like he knew her for decades.


"Here they are." Aera said picking up some boxes of the cream from behind Rang as the two exited the salon.

"Did you get them?" Yeon asked as Aera pointed towards Rang who was holding the boxes.

"And what were you checking?"

"There's something strange here." Yeon started then paused.

"What about it?" Rang asked because Yeon likes a conversation to reveal the big information.

"Aera, you tell me. Doesn't this place seem less crowded to you?" Aera's eyes widened after a few seconds when she realised what Yeon was talking about.

"There are no indigenious gods here."

lee rang x fem reader| tale of nine tailed 1938Where stories live. Discover now