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Aera,Rang,yeon entered the VIP room, and as soon as they clicked the door open, Yeon was pulled to the centre by a group of ladies who gave him a huge bouquet and showered flowers on him

"Welcome, sir!" Said the three ladies' dressed in all white.

"Why is she wearing a wedding dress?" I whispered

"Long time no see, fox." The woman in white said as she turned her head.

Yeon lifted the veil from her face, which left his mouth agape.

"Ryu hong joo ! What are you doing here ?"

"I missed you. Are you still about that human woman?" She said, being all touchy as Yeon constantly pushed her away.

"Is she an enemy or ally ?" Rang asked

"She's your future sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law?" Rang asked

"I heard you are looking for this." Hong joo said, showing the legendary pipe as Yeon didn't delay a second to take it from her.

"Thank you, Hong joo. I'll be taking this appreciatively. But we can't get married."

"Why not?" She asked

"You see, marriage requires consent of both parties, but I---" A rough slap from Hong joo shuts Yeon up

"How dare you reject me? I bought a dress, I even did my hair. I bought all these flowers! And you humiliated me." Hong joo said
"Rang, escape while you can." Yeon whispered, sliding the box of legendary pipe in his hands.

"Sure, you're on your own with this." Rang said

"Go get my wedding gift." Hong joo ordered someone to go after Rang and Aera

Aera and Rang heard loud footsteps behind them and turned to see the man Hong joo sent. And the guy from before. That Japanese demon who was sitting in front of her.

Rang, you deal with this guy. Seems like I have a special guest here. 'Aera said

No, you can't go alone. It's dangerous.  "Rang said, not agreeing with aera

I will be fine, darling. "Aera winked at rang and left.

That's it. Rang can never beat aera. Cause he always has been so in love with her.

Aera pov-

Why do I feel like that guy with a briefcase had the pipe and Hong joo took it from him before Rang did. I walked toward the man.

Well, you see, I didn't pack enough outfit before coming here. So I would hate to get your blood on my precious top. You sucker

Akira. watashino namaewa akiradesu. "That briefcase guy replied

Well, I didn't ask. "I replied

Akira: Nante miwaku-tekina utsukushi-sadeshou (What enchanting beauty)
Said while looking at me like he hadn't seen pretty women before.

Aera:Nanto minikui kotodeshou(what a disgusting ugly)
I said, stunning him.

Akira: Your Japanese is good.
Said with a smile that I didn't like at all.

aera: Well, you see, I don't have that pipe, but I'm looking for the pipe too.
Said while looking straight in her eyes.

Akira: Shall we look for it together?
" A smirk appeared on his face,which annoyed the hell out of me,"

Aera: ops. I have quite the opposite idea. I will not let you find the pipe.
* My iconic devil smile appeared on my face*

Akira: quite feisty. I like it. But I don't think I would like the idea of hurting a beautiful face like yours.
*he was giving me intense glare*

Aera: I thought you were witty. You are picking up a fight with something like me. You won't be able to handle me.
*i said, glaring him back*

Akira: we will see about that
*he came to attack me without a proper plan, and I knocked him out by a karate chop on his neck.

Aera: aish. These Japanese demons are creepy.

Who's that guy? Are you OK? Are you hurt anywhere? "Rang asked while running toward me and checking me from head to toe.

A Japanese demon. And yes, I'm OK. But you are the one who's hurt. "I said.

Well, it's nothing.

Let me heal that.

No. You are gonna vomit.

But it's not that deep injury. I will be alright.

I walked closer to Rang and healed his cut off his forehead. He was staring at me all the time.

Stop staring. Will you?

I can't. You just look so pretty.

I could say the same.

Nope. I can't be compared with you. You are just so beautiful.

Rang, we have to run away first, then you can tell me how pretty I'm.

the train has slowed down. It feels like it'll stop any minute." Aera said, looking at Rang

"It's that crazy woman. She's trying to stop the train." Rang said

Ops, I almost forgot that she has super strength, "I said

What do we do rang?

Well, I have a backup plan. But we have to jump out of the train first.

Then what are we waiting for? "I jumping out of the train by the door like it's nothing. Rang and others followed behind. Rang went ahead, and they bought horses. Being the lazy cat I am, I didn't want to ride a horse. So Rang said I should ride with him. And I agreed cz that's less hassle. He will ride the horse when I am gonna hug him and put my head on him shoulder for more comfort. I know Rang likes me, but still, I can't help but be clingy sometimes. He is my comfort zone.

lee rang x fem reader| tale of nine tailed 1938Where stories live. Discover now