Chapter 24 Exchange Program between Academies

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to my great grandfather's academy to ask if he would be interested in doing an exchange program between his academy and here" I say

"Do you need any of us to help?" Mizore asks

Before I can answer I get a message from my great grandfather telling me of something coming my way

"Hmm seems like there's something else I would need to discuss with my grandfather" I say

"What did the message say?" Yukari asks

"The message informed me that one and no offense to you Mizore or your mother but one ice bitch Weiss Schnee is trying to find my location to apparently get back at me" I say

"There's no way she can find us right?" Kurumu asks

"I highly doubt she would be able to but in the off chance she does make it here you girls can brutally beat the hell out of her and whoever else comes with her but if a person named James ironwood is with her do not attack him as he is a understanding general and will not do anything stupid" I say before driving into the tunnel

3rd POV

Driving for a bit Jaune arrives back in remnant which he makes his way to beacon academy

Parking his bike in the academy garage he makes his way to his great grandfather's office

Arriving at the doors he knocks before being let in

"Well this is a surprise what brings you here Jaune?" Ozpin asks

"Great Grandpa I've come with a offer for you" Jaune says

"What's the offer?" Ozpin responds

"How would you feel if you were to take part in an exchange program of students between her and the academy I now attend" Jaune asks

"An exchange program of students huh... I take that this is a step in your goal of peace between Yokai and human?" Ozpin says

"That's correct and headmaster Mikogami has already agreed to do the program which I came here to ask if you'd be interested in doing the program as well" Jaune says

Ozpin thinks for a moment before smiling

"Very well I will do the program I assume you have a way of traveling between realms?" Ozpin asks

"I do but I need to go inform headmaster Mikogami your response also if you could gather Cardin and team Cfvy I believe they will be a great first five students for the transfer" Jaune says

"Very well I will inform them" Ozpin says

Nodding his head Jaune exits the office and makes his way back to Yokai academy

Arriving back at the academy he sees the newspaper club waiting for him

"Did your great grandfather agree Mr Aono?" Ms Nekonome asks Jaune

"He did in fact agree Ms Nekonome" Jaune says

"Headmaster has asked for us to go to the auditorium" Kurumu says

The newspaper club all head for the auditorium of the Yokai academy

Arriving at the auditorium Jaune can see every student/staff in attendance

"Settle down everyone please settle down... Now Mikogami would like to say a few words" Ruby says before Mikogami steps up to the microphone

"Greetings students now it was recently asked of me by Mr Aono if I'd be interested in a student exchange program so I called you all here to see which of you would be interested in experiencing what Mr Aono learned back home" Mikogami says

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