His grandfather's eyebrows scrunch in concern "No leave him be, he has enough right now dealing with a sick child, I won't add to his burdens. Bring the other two children tomorrow and we can get samples so that I can confirm paternity. I will contact some of my overseas liaisons and see what I can find out about Baoshan."

Carmen's phone rings and she excuses herself to take the call "Hello?"

"Ma'am is Mianmian and we have a big problem." A panicked voice sounds on the line.

Carmen huffs "Calm down child and tell me what's happened."

Mianmian takes an audible breath "That jackass ex of Wuxi's is on a live right now talking about Wuxi and the kids. He is talking as if they are his, he is on Weibo and here is his I.D. Look it up and watch it then call me back."

She hangs up and Carmen opens up her account and finds his account, sure enough, he is on a live, and she watches listening to him spout nonsense.

Qin Bai Zhi is looking at the screen with a smile on his face as he answers questions being asked by the people on the live with him.

{No our sons are fine it's just our daughter.}

{They are still running tests so as soon as we know something I will let everyone know.}

{Wuxi as an artist is amazing but he is also a lot shyer than I am so that is why I came on to the live to give everyone information instead of him besides he didn't want to leave her alone in a strange place.}

{He just wanted the doctors to give the statement to calm everyone before I could go live.}

{We both have our own successful art studios, his is more fantasy and concept art while mine is more fantasy and anime with an emphasis on anime.}

{We agreed from the beginning that he would post most of the photos of our kids then when they started to get popular we started their own social media accounts this way they are separate from our art studio accounts. It just made it easier all the way around}

{We have been together for four years}

Carmen sneers "That little rat bastard, how dare he lie like this."

Wangji walks up and sees his mother angry "What's going on Mother?"

She scoffs "That little prick Qin Bai Zhi is on a live telling everyone that he is the father of the babies and that he and Wuxi have been together for four years. He is telling all kinds of lies and making them sound believable because he stalks Wuxi and the kids. Look at this fool."

She hands him the phone and he watches him laugh and talk to the people asking him questions in the live, he has about ten thousand people in there right now.

He looks at his mother "This is a problem, if Yiyi hears of this it could hinder our engagement." He hands the phone back to his mother and pulls out his own phone.

He puts the phone to his ear "Get on Weibo and take care of Qin Bai Zhi, he is in a live right now and is talking about my family acting as if they are his. Do whatever you can to get him taken offline and then try to do as much damage control as possible. I need to talk to my fiancé before I can give out the paternity test results to refute his claims." He nods a few times and disconnects the call.

"Mother we are going to have to tell him about this and we need to put out the test results so that he stops causing trouble." He sighs

She nods "I know that little jackass is only doing this to help his career, he has been trying to find a way to attach himself to Wuxi and the triplet's coattails and ride it to the fame he has always been after. He has already been paid off and still comes around nearly two years later." She fumes.

Wangji smirks "Well he doesn't know about me, he doesn't know that Wuxi has found the father of his children and I intend to make sure he is fully aware that I am here now and he has zero chance to harm my family." She nods in approval.

She frowns "With everything that is going on with AMei I hate to have to tell him about this but we have to get ahead of this as soon as possible. Let's tell your grandfather bye and head back to the hospital so we can discuss what Wuxi wants to do about this."

They walk back into the living room with the elder Lan and bid him goodnight before they leave and head back to the hospital. They walk into AMei's room and see her sleeping on Wuxi's chest as he pats her back slowly and hums to her.

Carmen looks at him "Sweetheart you need to go home for a little while, take a shower, get something to eat and get a little rest."

He shakes his head "I'm fine I don't want to leave her alone."

She smiles at him "How about I stay with her and you and Wangji go to your house so you can spend a little time with the boys hm?"

He smiles "I do need to see them, they are too young to understand what is going on and why I am not there with them."

She nods in understanding "Darling we need to talk to you about something fairly important."

He looks at her "What do you need to talk to me about Carmen Mom? You look really serious right now, is everything ok?"

She scoots to the edge of her seat and gives him a small smile "Darling today I saw that Qin Bai Zhi was on a live and he was talking to the audience as if he was the babies father and your partner."

Wuxi sits up quickly mindful of his sleeping daughter, a distraught look on his face "What?"

She sighs "He was answering questions as if he was privy to the information and he was very convincing sounding. We need to do something to put a stop to the public information that is surely being spread right now about him and his connection to you and the triplets. This could also hinder your engagement with my son. My father has a few requirements he is insisting on before you and Wangji can be officially engaged."

Wuxi scrubs his forehead, the stress getting to him "What are the requirements?"

She smiles "First he wants another paternity test done with a doctor of his choosing, second, he wants to meet at least the boys, he knows about AMei and said he doesn't want to add to your stress by meeting you or her at this time."

Wuxi takes a deep breath "And?"

She purses her lips before answering "He wants to know what happened to your grandmother Baoshan Sanren before he agrees."

He wrinkles his forehead "My grandmother? I haven't seen her in years I kind of thought she was dead and she didn't care about me anyway or she wouldn't have left me in that house for all those years. She has nothing to do with me so what does he want to find her for?"

Carmen takes his hand "Sweetheart your grandmother was given a report from Xiao Xingchen monthly on you two, he could only tell her what he was told and Madam Yu lied to him about everything for years. When she would come visit you she saw a happy and loving family taking care of her two treasures. She had no idea what was happening to you and thought she was doing right by you and your sister by keeping you in a stable home. No one has seen her for over two years, I have tried to give her information about you but I get the run around from her assistant who won't tell me anything."

He closes his eyes and shakes his head feeling morose "Give me the number, Wangji will you take AMei for me please?"

She nods and he walks over and takes the sleeping baby from Wuxi, careful of her arm and puts her on his chest so she doesn't wake.

Wuxi dials the number his hand on his hip perturbed, when a male's voice answers the other line he snaps "Is this Baoshan's assistant?"

The man clears his throat "Yes how can I help you?"

"This is Wei Wuxian her grandson, I want to speak with her, now." He irritation lacing his voice.

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