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Nathaniel stepped off the trail and emerged into the small residential settlement. Sixty years ago, this suburban community nestled in a forest hollow was supposed to be a flagship real estate project for wealthy executives and their families. But history had decided otherwise. Abandoned by the Sapiens during its first decade of existence, the enclave now housed a Naturalis clan that had repurposed nearby infrastructure to provide energy, clean water, and resources to over a thousand inhabitants.

On this sunny first of November morning, the temperature cheerfully rose after its nightly drop. A blond kid busy playing with a glossy black dog greeted Nathaniel.

"Hey, Nat!"

"Hey, Eric, is your dad around?"

"He's in the workshop," the boy replied, pointing down the street.

Nathaniel descended along the road, its asphalt long replaced by a compact and well-maintained dirt path. The roofs of the houses with clean and renovated facades all sported high-efficiency photovoltaic panels. Few vehicles were parked; the only ones he encountered were utility vehicles. He entered the workshop announcing himself.

"Pierre? It's Nat, are you here?"

A plank rolled out from under a pickup truck with its hood wide open. The small, balding brunette man lying on it sat up, putting down his tools.

"Nat? Need supplies for the cave?"

"No, no, thank you. But I need to go get Kim."


He wiped his hands with a dirty rag.

"Are you taking the road?"

"No, too risky. I'll go through the forest and stay under cover."

The man smiled. "That suits you well..."

Pierre Mayeux, village chief and master mechanic, knew that none of his motorized vehicles could navigate through the undergrowth and into the heart of the forest. The wide paths once laid out had long succumbed to the onslaught of vegetation. The few barely marked trails, blocked by numerous fallen trees, remained impassable, except perhaps for experienced trial motorcycle riders, which Nathaniel certainly was not.

He stepped out of his workshop, Nathaniel following close behind, and circled the building to reach a large corral where a few horses frolicked.

"He'll be happy you're taking him out for a ride."

Pierre expressed no doubt about the animal chosen by Nathaniel.

The latter whistled a three-tone melody, and two tall chestnut French saddle horses turned their heads towards him. A snorting came from behind them. A white and brown speckled muzzle slipped through, eight inches lower than those of the tall, solid-colored steeds that remained placid.

The Appaloosa, barely over 4 foot 9 tall, trotted happily towards the two men and greeted Nathaniel with a friendly nod of its head. With its reduced size and Nathaniel's perfect knowledge of the smallest passable trails, Jinky remained the best choice for crossing the forest.

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