Deaths and a gurney

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The shuttle decelerated abruptly and executed a full turn before descending vertically to the center of the parking lot. The only source of light around was the emergency ventral spotlight forming a sharp and perfect circle under the craft. The copilot directed the beam towards the Wood. Eight men were crossing the ravine with difficulty. With their armor out of action, they were now struggling to clear the obstacle.

The four double-bladed propellers slowed their rotation, but the pilot kept them at low revs to get back into the air as quickly as possible. Only a faint whirring sound could be heard, and small swirls of dust danced beneath the hull.

The rear side of the shuttle tilted down with a sound of hydraulic actuators. It formed an inclined boarding platform from which Demers emerged, his soles echoing on the metal with each step. The instruments indicated no other presence than the squad members, but he swept his weapon over the space in front of him in a wide panoramic movement nonetheless. Once reassured, he set foot on the parking lot.

"Three minutes!" he shouted, motioning for the men to come closer. "Hurry up!"

He walked over to help Alvarez, who had collapsed breathless on the asphalt. He was no longer chewing his gum, and his skin, covered with red patches, looked lumpy.

"Come on, we're almost there!" Demers encouraged him.

The seven other soldiers, their faces also dotted - albeit to a lesser extent - with blushes, approached the platform. A synthetic voice crackled: "Decontamination initiated..."

A curtain of particles with orange reflections similar to those of the dome covering the megacity descended in front of the gaping hatch. The men entered the airlock one by one. A series of dry electrostatic sparks marked the elimination of plant fragments clinging to their armor as they passed through the golden veil.

"Two minutes." Kolovsky dropped from his cockpit through the communications equipment. "Is everyone there?"

"No." His sidekick replied, helping Alvarez through the sanitization process. "We're still missing three... including the sergeant."

"Eagle, this is Alpha. I'm coming in loaded, get ready to go."

Demers turned and saw his NCO leaping over the ravine, a body thrown over his right shoulder. The whirring of his armor was soon heard, and he reached the shuttle in a few strides. The copilot then recognized Cotillard by the missing helmet visor, wobbling on his leader's back.

"We're boarding!" Callaghan said coldly.

The other glanced back in search of the last trooper.

"One minute." Kolovsky informed.

"Demers!" The sergeant shouted. "Get on board, that's an order!"

"But Lamar is missing, sarge."

Callaghan nodded in the negative. His face was tight with rage.

"Get aboard!"

Shoulders hunched, the copilot stepped through the particles curtain, closely followed by the NCO and his burden.

The electrical sizzle died away behind them, and the hatch rose upright.

They activated the second airlock door, which opened with a suction noise. The pressure inside was stronger, sending a breath of sanitized air their way. They entered, and the antechamber automatically closed to seal the cabin.

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