This might be the best day of his life

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(This is the second last chapter of this story)

They meet Sarah outside the library and Nick doesn't even try to play it cool. He flings himself into his mother's arms like he's seven years old again, except he's a head taller than her and he's about to graduate.

"You get taller every time I see you," she coos into his ear before she presses several wet kisses into his cheek. She's wearing the same perfume she always has, and her lips are sticky with her satsuma lip balm from The Body Shop. She's familiar and warm and wonderful, and Nick is so pleased to see her.

"I've missed you," he mumbles into her shoulder, then he lets her go before he asks, "How was your journey up? And how was your evening in the hotel?"
"All fine, thank you, love." She opens her arms for Charlie, and Charlie squeezes her back. "Hiya, Charlie, my darling."
"Hi Sarah," Charlie chirps. "It's so nice to see you."
"And you, my love."
He's missed his mum so much, and Nick can't help but pull her in for another hug.
"Thank you for coming," he tells her, and she hushes him.
"Couldn't be anywhere else in the world than right here," she promises him. "Gosh, we can't have long until the ceremony starts. Where do you collect your cap and gown?"
Nick tilts his head to the right. "Over there in the marquee."

They head over together and Nick has to part from them for a bit so he can get his robes fitted. He'd sent over his measurements a few weeks before, but they're not the easiest garment to don and a rather bristled looking lady with little round glasses helps him get his on over his suit. Once she's satisfied with how he looks, she sends him on his way out the back of the tent, where he rejoins his mum and Charlie for a few minutes before they have to take their seats.

It's a boiling hot day and the robes are heavy, so it's not the most comfortable walk as they head towards the main hall. He bids the pair goodbye and follows the rest of the graduating students up some stairs, where a few of the admin staff from the uni are lining everyone up in alphabetical order, clipboards at the ready.

Harry's last name happens to fall right next to his alphabetically, so the pair walk together to join their place in the queue. Claire's last name begins with A, so she's right up the front, and as she walks onto stage Nick and Harry both whoop from the wings like the cringy friends they are.
The line moves quickly enough, and pretty soon Nick is close enough to look out into the crowd from the side. His gaze lands easily on his mother and boyfriend in the crowd. He'd know those curls anywhere.

Even from this far away, Charlie's smile is so bright that Nick aches just looking at him.

"Nicholas Nelson, with an Upper Second Honours degree in Psychology and French."
"That's you, idiot." Harry nudges him until his brain catches up with him and he hops out onto the stage. He walks over to the Chancellor and shakes her hand as he's handed his fake degree, then suddenly he hears his mother and boyfriend's cheering voices, erring on obnoxious with how loud they're being, but it makes him smile wider than ever.

He finds their gazes easily, both of them standing. His mother is clapping with her hands above her head and Charlie's got his hands cupping his mouth so his voice reaches further. When their eyes meet, Charlie pulls his hands down so Nick can see that gorgeous smile again, and in that moment Nick knows he never wants to do anything without Charlie by his side.

He clicks his fingers and points two finger guns in their direction, then he winks as Charlie blows him a kiss. A polite ripple of laughter runs through the hall as Nick stumbles off the stage and down the stairs in a bit of a daze.
"Harry Nightingale, with an Upper Second Honours degree in Financial Maths."
He turns and cheers for his mate, waiting at the bottom of the stairs for him to appear before they both exit together back into the hallway. There, they get to watch the rest of their friends walk onto the stage to collect their degrees; Holly gets her First in English Lit, Ben gets his First in Music, and finally Manrika gets her First in Chemistry.

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