Your my favourite prize

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I think ima start putting smut warnings , I know there's a lot of smut that's already happened but then I realised some people might not want to read that

So I'll tell u when the smut starts and finishes from now on in the chapters <3

The ride home is short and sweet, and Nick manages to keep both of Charlie's wandering hands in one of his. He rests his head on Charlie's shoulder, lips puckered so that every time the car goes over a pothole or a speed bump, he leaves a little kiss to Charlie's skin. Each time it happens, Charlie smiles.

Once they get back to campus, they stumble back towards Nick's accommodation hand in hand. It's pretty busy considering it's gone midnight, but now that a lot of the undergrads have finished their exams, there's parties happening all days and all nights of the week and campus is a real hive of activity. Music is blaring through several flat windows, but they pay it no mind as they rush towards Nick's building.
He has no idea if any of his flatmates are in or not, but he doesn't spare that thought more than a moment as he fumbles to unlock the front door, his other arm right around Charlie's waist. Once inside his room, he flicks the lock behind them and then smashes their mouths together, both hands coming up to clutch at Charlie's shoulders desperately, like he can't stand another second with them not touching.
Maybe he can't.

Smut starts here
Charlie's hands find his hips and he starts to frogmarch them towards the bed. The backs of Nick's legs hit the side of it and he's quick to move them around so he's pushing Charlie into the mattress, boxing him in under his body.
"Do you want to?"
"Fuck yeah." Charlie's legs fall open and he fists a hand in the shorter hairs at the nape of Nick's neck. "I finished my exams today and my boyfriend is a rugby hero. I think we need to celebrate that."
"Fuck, you've finished sixth form, baby." Nick presses kisses down Charlie's jaw, then focuses his attention on that spot on his boyfriend's neck that he knows makes him weak at the knees. "You've finished school forever and next year you'll be here ."
"Nick," Charlie whimpers. "No marks, remember?"
Nick ignores him and moves up slightly higher, nipping right at his jawline. "Why? No school and no parents, remember?"
"Shit, you're right." Charlie sounds a little awestruck by the thought. "Mark away then."
Nick doesn't need telling twice. He moves to the other side of Charlie's neck and leaves another mark, his hips undulating upwards as he feels himself getting harder in his jeans.

"I thought I was supposed to be rewarding you," Charlie tells him, then lets out a gorgeous little gasp as Nick touches a particularly sensitive area. " Shit."
"You're my favourite prize," Nick tells him as he leans back on his haunches and starts to undo the buttons on his shirt. "You're better than any fucking trophy I could win in a rugby game. You being here is the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Charlie sits up a little, enough for Nick to slide his rugby jersey over his head. One day, Nick thinks, one day I'm going to fuck him in nothing but that jersey.
Once he's shirtless, Nick starts to kiss down his chest, fingers brushing up his sides, then he dips his tongue into Charlie's belly button.
"I'd do it for you too," he tells Charlie earnestly as he pries open his flies. "I'd do anything for you, Charlie Spring."
"Fuck, Nick, come here." Charlie tugs him up the bed and smashes their mouths together. It's a messy kiss, one that makes Nick's head spin with pure joy and lust and love for the boy below him. They're both ridiculously sappy and they both know it, but sometimes Nick worries he can't always find the words to say how much he truly worships the ground that Charlie Spring walks on.

It's not been long since they were last together–it's only a few weeks since Charlie last came to Leeds, so they've definitely gone longer without being intimate–but Nick is desperate to get inside his boyfriend, to make him feel as good as he deserves after today. He trails his hands down Charlie's body and Charlie breaks the kiss, nodding frantically before Nick can even ask the question.
"Want you so much."
"Me too," Nick says, voice deep. "Hands and knees for me, baby."
From then on, everything feels charged and electric and so fucking wonderful that Nick feels like he could burst with it. He hurries to pull the lube out of his bedside drawer and he does what he loves best, opening Charlie up slowly, carefully, tenderly. He presses kisses into the knobs of his spine and his buttocks as one finger becomes two and two fingers become three, and soon Charlie is rocking back on his knees to meet Nick's thrusts.
He's a gorgeous, babbling mess when Nick crooks his fingers and brushes over that magic bundle of nerves, chanting Nick's name over and over like a prayer. Nick can't get over how lucky he is and he's so turned on, watching Charlie preen and whimper and beg for him to fuck him.
"Nick, please. I need it."
"I know, sweet boy," Nick coos. He doesn't want to stop fingering Charlie, but he also really wants to fuck him, and that urge ultimately wins. He pulls his sticky fingers out and he wipes them on the sheets before running his hand down Charlie's sweaty back.

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