Your my favourite person ever

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When he wakes up the next morning, he feels a bit like he's hungover. His head feels heavy and his mouth feels dry, and he's very aware that Nick's grip on him is tighter than usual, even in sleep.

Par for the course after a day like yesterday , he thinks to himself. He doesn't actually mind it that much, and he finds himself relaxing into his hold, ready to go back to sleep...

Until Nick snuffles in his sleep and then rolls over, putting all his body weight on Charlie's chest and winding him. He groans.
" Nick."
"Sorry, darling," Nick mumbles sleepily, rolling back over and folding Charlie back into his arms. "Didn't mean to do that."
"I know," Charlie replies, snuggling deeper into Nick's embrace. "You can make it up to me by giving me a proper cuddle."
"Of course." Nick pulls him in and kisses his hair. "Mmm, how did you sleep?"
"Okay, I think." Charlie breathes in Nick's scent, of musk and Bleu de Chanel and a little bit like sweat from last night's romp, his favourite smell in the whole world. "Did you?"
"Always sleep well with you," Nick tells him serenely. "I love you, you know."
"I know," Charlie hums, his chest tightening, voice almost getting lost in his throat. "I love you too."

Untangling himself from Charlie's embrace and pushing himself up, Nick hovers over him and stares down at him like he's the purest treasure, and Charlie wants to cry all over again.

"Let me make you feel good," Nick whispers to him. "Let me look after you and show you how much I love you."
"I'd like that," Charlie whispers back, licking his lips. He's long past the days of feeling self conscious in front of Nick, but there are days when he finds it really difficult to be as open as he'd like to be. Today, he just wants Nick, and he wants to feel loved.

So, he relents and lets Nick kiss all over his body from head to toe, hands holding him firmly but ever so gently at the same time, lips pressing a mix of kisses and words into his skin, and Charlie has never felt more treasured in his life. Nick is so tender and wonderful with his touches and he knows Charlie inside out by now, knows where he'll be happy with Nick lingering and where he'll want him to avoid.

As Nick laves his tongue over a sensitive spot on Charlie's neck, he can't help but cling to him and marvel at the fact that he gets to have this. He's so in love he can barely see straight and he'll always, always be loved no matter what.

He feels a bit like he's floating.

Eventually, Nick's ministrations move south and he gently pushes Charlie's legs apart. He kisses Charlie's knee, then his thigh, then he moves up to where they both want it. Charlie's still a little bit stretched from the night before, so it's pretty easy for Nick to slide back inside him with a little bit of lube and a couple of minutes of prep.

Charlie's back arches as Nick begins to push inside him, his hands clutching at Nick's shoulders desperately. It doesn't take long before Nick is fully sheathed inside him, panting as he carefully presses Charlie's legs wider apart, pressing a kiss to Charlie's ankle as their bodies adjust.

"You're so beautiful," Nick whispers, and he sounds like he's in awe even though they've done this countless times together. "You're perfect. I am the luckiest guy in the world."
"Nick," Charlie hears himself whine. He can't think of any other words right now. " Nick."
"You okay?" Nick leans down and peppers his face with kisses, over his eyelids, his nose, and his cheeks. "Does it hurt?"
Charlie shakes his head. "No," he manages to croak out. "I feel good. Full ."

Nick smiles. There's sweat beading on his forehead and his chest is red and patchy.

"Sweetheart," he coos. "Fuck, I love you so much."
"I love you too," Charlie replies. "So much." He clenches around Nick's cock, desperate for him to move. "Come on, baby."
"Of course, my darling." Nick bends down enough to kiss him languidly, then breaks the kiss with a shallow thrust. Charlie grunts and clings to his shoulders. "You're so perfect, Charlie. So perfect."

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