Charlies coming to visit!!

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It's raining and Nick is freezing, but he barely even feels it because Charlie's train just pulled up into the station and he's going to see him in so little time that he can barely stand it. He's already grinning at nothing, too excited to care who's looking at him because suddenly it's Charlie who's looking at him, stepping off the train onto the platform and spotting him almost straight away.

His gorgeous face breaks out into a beam and then he starts dodging through the people walking towards the exit towards him, almost running as he reaches him. Nick lets out a happy sound as he scoops Charlie up in his arms, stumbling a little as he hoists him up and spins him around, laughing into his mouth as he squeals and grips at his shoulders.

"You're making a scene," Charlie giggles as he stares down at him, pressing their lips together again. Nick kisses back happily; it somehow feels less of a big deal now he's at uni rather than in his hometown, and he's missed Charlie so much that he isn't even tempted to check how many people are looking at them.

"Don't care," he mumbles back, setting him down and then pulling her in for another long kiss. "And don't act like you don't love it, love."

Charlie does love it but they both know he's certainly not going to mention it. He shakes his head as he pulls back and links their hands together, tucking himself into Nick's side.

Nick kisses his hair as they head out of the station and onto the high street, towards the bus stop.
Fuck , has he missed his boy.

Charlie hasn't been up to Leeds yet. Whenever they've been together since Nick went off to uni, it's been back at home. He came home for two weekends last term, once for a sixth form awards ceremony and once for his mum's birthday, then they got to spend four glorious weeks at Christmas together as well.

They've seen each other less in this spring term now that Nick's rugby schedule means he plays games most weekends, but this was a weekend that neither of them wanted to miss.

Charlie's not long turned 18, and he promised Nick ages ago that they'd go together for his first time clubbing. Always over-cautious when it comes to Charlie, Nick had immediately agreed, insisting they use it as an excuse for Charlie to come up and visit him so they can go proper gay clubbing up here in Leeds.

He'd surprised Charlie with the train tickets as a birthday present, just as he'd surprised him with a trip home on his actual birthday. He'd been texting back and forth with Elle, the only one who knew about his plan (because she was pretty much the only one he trusted to keep it an actual secret) and he'd managed to arrive at the pub just in time, so he was casually sitting at a table waiting for them as the group came in for Charlie's first legal pint. 

The look on Charlie's face was well worth the extortionate ticket price and the four and a half hour journey.

He'd only been able to stay for one night because he had an essay due a couple of days later, but it didn't feel nearly as daunting to leave him this time, not now the promise of a visit in just a couple of weeks time was looming.

And now it's here and Charlie is here, and Nick feels like he can breathe again.
"Is that all you brought with you?" Nick asks, pointing to Charlie's backpack. Charlie shrugs and nods.

"Well, for a start, you've got, like, half my hoodies and at least one pair of my trackies, even though I know you won't have worn them because they'll be too small," he grins. "But also I figured if I played my cards right, I wouldn't need many clothes."
Nick barks a laugh. It sends a little thrill down to his toes whenever Charlie hints at sex, even though they've been together long enough that that should have passed by now. He wonders if it ever will.

"I've also got, like, one nice shirt for a nice dinner somewhere or something, then just another t-shirt and some pants and socks and stuff. Oh, and my clubbing outfit. Why, did you have a list of things planned for us?"
"A list of things that pretty much just includes holding you, clothes or no clothes," Nick grins, ignoring the mother covering her child's ears with a glare as they walk past. "But a date out sounds nice too. My treat, of course."
"Rubbish," Charlie hums. "You paid for the train tickets."
"And?" Nick tells him. "They were a present, Char. It's not exactly fair to ask you to spend four hours on the train and then pay for anything. You paid for everything when I came home anyway."
"Shut up and let's just talk about it later," Charlie laughs. "Let's just get out of this infernal rain."

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