Charlie , do you like the love bites?

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Do you fancy going out tonight?" Nick asks Charlie much later that day, once they've showered and eaten (they still opt for pancakes even though it's the middle of the afternoon by the time they get to cooking anything).

They've spent the best part of the afternoon in the flat's kitchen, watching random films on the telly and gossiping with Nick's flatmates. Despite the fact they slept in, Nick feels inexplicably tired, and even though he knows he should make the most of his last week of his first year, he doesn't really fancy doing anything more than cuddling his boyfriend and maybe ordering a Chinese.
Charlie shrugs against Nick's chest.
They're pressed close together on one of the stupid uncomfortable couches in the living area, even though they're the only two people on this particular sofa. "If you want to."
"I'm asking if you want to," Nick tells him gently. "I want to do what you want to do."
Charlie pauses for a second, then he says, "I want to stay here with you."
"Perfect." Nick kisses his temple.

He's feeling particularly soppy today and he doesn't really know why, but staying in with Charlie sounds like a dream. "Do you fancy a takeaway? Because I do."
"I want whatever you want," Charlie says. He chuckles. "Are you feeling particularly clingy today or is it just me?"
Nick laughs. "No, same. I thought it was just me but I kind of like that it isn't."
"You guys realise we can hear you, right?"
"Shut up." Nick flips Manrika off and cuddles Charlie even tighter. "We're in love."
"And I hate you for it," Manrika tells him, sticking out her tongue at them both. "It's disgusting."

Nick keeps flipping her off as he starts peppering little kisses all over Charlie's head and neck until Charlie starts shrieking and Manrika throws a cushion at them.
"Enough!" she shrills. "It's bad enough that you've made poor Charlie walk around like a vampire got to him last night, you sadist."
"He likes the love bites," Nick pouts. "Don't be jealous."
"Charlie, do you like the love bites?" Manrika asks him very seriously. Charlie doesn't answer but he goes so pink that Nick bursts out laughing.
"Subtle, babe."

"Some of us are trying to watch the fucking movie," Harry says loudly. Nick had almost forgotten he was there. "Shut the fuck up or get a room."
"Sorry," Charlie says, settling back against Nick's chest. Nick winds his arms around Charlie's shoulders and kisses his head, revelling in the fact that Charlie smells like his shampoo and his cologne now.
He could quite honestly stay here forever.
"Love you," Charlie hums quietly, for Nick's ears only.
I'm so lucky.
"Yeah," Nick smiles, "I love you too."

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