"Or are you texting your secret boyfriend or something?"

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They share a shower, pressed close together in Nick's wet room. Nick washes Charlie's hair for him, giggling as he tries (and fails) not to get soap in his eyes.

After that, they stand naked side by side as they brush their teeth, then they get dressed. Charlie pops on one of Nick's hoodies and Nick beams into his shoulder as he pulls him into a hug.

"I'm obsessed with you in my clothes," he says, voice muffled. "Next year, you're going to have to have one of my rugby jumpers, like, properly."
Charlie beams and opens his mouth to reply, but it's cut off by a knock on the door. Nick pulls a face, but goes over to answer it.

It's Harry, and he looks a lot less hungover than he did a few hours ago.
"Alright, mate?"
"Morning," Harry chirps, offering them both a wave. "Charlie, my boy! How are you feeling?"
"Um. I guess better than a couple of hours ago," Charlie tells him. "How are you?"
"Dehydrated as fuck, but alright," Harry says, laughing. "I'm glad you're alright. You were pretty pissed last night."
"Ha, sorry," Charlie huffs, going pink as he says it. "I really enjoyed last night, I'm just, like, not the best at handling my booze yet."
"I think we could all tell," Harry snorts. "But it's cool. You were a fucking riot, Charlie boy. I can't wait to go out with you again."
"Oh," Charlie says, sounding surprised. "Really? I thought I was, like..."
"Nah, you were a proper laugh," Harry insists. "Teaching everyone the Macarena like that? Absolutely iconic."
"Sure, wow." Charlie sounds stunned by the very admission, and Nick can't help but chuckle and link their hands together.

"Okay, yeah. I'll, um, I'll try and come up again once my exams are done."
"Can't wait," Harry sing-songs. "Anyway, do you guys have plans for today?"
"Yeah, we've got plans," Nick says, pulling a face. "Why, what did you have in mind?"
"We're thinking of going to the pub tonight if you lads want to come?" Harry asks. "Just for a couple of drinks and some dinner. None of us can be arsed to cook."

Nick glances at Charlie, who nods and squeezes his hand. "Um, yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

"Hair of the dog and all that," Harry chirps. "Nice one. We're leaving here around six, I think. Feel free to do... whatever it is you lads want to do until then." He waggles his eyebrows and then disappears, letting the door slam closed behind him.

Nick snorts and turns to Charlie, who laughs and reaches for Nick's other hand. "He's going to be disappointed when he finds out we're going for milkshakes and a walk around."
"I don't know what he thinks we'd be doing when you're this hungover."
"Bloody hell," Charlie says with a grimace. "I love you very much but that is very much off the cards at the minute."

Nick laughs and steps into Charlie's space, swapping hand-holding for a proper embrace. "As long as you're not too hungover for a snog and a milkshake."
"I don't think I'll ever be too hungover for that."
Nick raises his eyebrows. "Love, I mean this sincerely. This is only your first night out and you've not even gotten uni pissed yet. There will definitely be times when you won't want a snog and a milkshake."
"Can't wait." Charlie pulls a face. "Shall we go?"

Hand in hand, they wander out of Nick's accommodation and head down to the bus stop. The bus ride into town isn't very long and once they get there, they step off and head straight to one of Nick's favourite places in Leeds, a dessert shop that serves the most elaborate milkshakes.
They share a chocolate chip milkshake (Nick dares to mention bubblegum as a suggestion, but one look from Charlie tells him all he needs to know) and a bowl of chips for their lunch.

It's not the healthiest meal they've ever eaten together, but Charlie does well at eating a good portion, and Nick tries not to let all the pride show on his face to draw attention to it.

After that, they walk for what feels like ages, making easy conversation about everything and nothing. They pop into a couple of shops, like Waterstones and JD Sports and Game, and Nick buys himself some new rugby socks and a travel case for his Nintendo Switch and Charlie buys a revision book for his Further Maths A-Level, then they head back to the bus stop and back to Nick's accommodation.

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