Chapter 6: So Long As You Love Me

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An unexpected visitor up in Leeds ruins Nick's night.

It's been a few months since Nick last saw his cunt of a brother, or even since he's really crossed his mind. Their relationship is strained on a good day, but today turns out to be a very, very bad one.

He never expected to see David because why would he? David has never even been to Leeds, as far as he's aware, and this is his city, his safe little corner of the country where he exists without the hangovers of his hometown. It's one of the reasons he loves it here so much.

So when he's out one chilly February evening for a rugby social, grabbing a pint with Pete before the rest of the team turn up, the last person he expects to clap him on the back and nearly knock the pint out of his hand is his cunt of a big brother, but here he is.

"Alright, Nicky?" his leering voice sneers right in Nick's ear, and he feels his entire body go cold as his brain catches up with him. That's David. "Have you missed me?"
"Er, hi," Nick greets. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here on Jason's stag do," David says, as if Nick has any clue who the fuck Jason is. He gestures vaguely at the group of blokes gathered on the other side of the bar. "And what a blessing it is to run into you so I didn't have to text you or anything gay like that."
Dig number one, made.

Nick fights the urge to roll his eyes. "Yeah, aren't I lucky?"
David grins and turns his attention to Pete. "And who is this? Your new man?"

This time, Nick really does roll his eyes. "This is Pete. We're on the rugby team together." He turns to Pete and gives him a look that he hopes he can read. "Pete, this is my brother, David."
"Um, pleasure?" Pete says, looking confused.
"Yeah," David replies, looking irritatingly gleeful for some reason. "I'm so glad you found a man who's more on your level."
"Don't be a prick, David," Nick sighs. "You know I'm still with Charlie."
David's face falls, just a bit, and then he shrugs. "That's a shame. I still think you could stand to do much better."

"Yeah, whatever," Nick says blandly. "Look, it's been lovely and all, but we've got a rugby social to get to." He makes a point to drink a good third of his pint in one go, but it tastes bitter in his mouth. He doesn't want to be around David any longer than he has to be, and he glances at Pete and hopes he's catching his drift.

David snorts. "You only just got here. You think I didn't see you walk in?" He cocks his head to one side. "You trying to avoid me or something?"
Blissfully, Pete seems to have gotten the message because he pulls his phone out of his pocket and clears his throat. "Nick, Adam just texted in the group chat. They're in 'Spoons so we should..."
"Stay and have a drink," David interrupts.

He slings his arm back around Nick's shoulders, and even though Nick has a good few inches of height on him, he still feels the need to crouch down and give in to it. "We rarely get to see each other, after all."
"Go back to your friends, David," Nick says. "You don't want to spend the evening with me any more than I want to spend it with you."
"That's not true," David says. "If anything, it's nice to see you without that little tag-along of yours hanging around."
Nick tenses. "Don't do this. His name is Charlie and he's been my boyfriend for four fucking years."
"And he's been all you've bloody talked about for four fucking years," David laments, then he turns to Pete. "I'm surprised Charlie lets the two of you hang out together. You're much more handsome than he is. Doesn't the little twink get jealous?"

Nick feels his hands ball into fists, his nails digging painfully into his palm. Pete touches his elbow and takes a step forward.

"Look, man, we really ought to be going..."
David drops his arm and grabs his drink from the bar. "How is Charlie anyway? Has he remembered how to eat yet or is he still knocking at death's door?"

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