28. Don't leave me

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I squeeze Johnny's hand as I laid in the bed.

"Can you call my mom and dad? Please?" I groaned.

"Do you want me to step out into the hall-"

"No! Don't leave me, I'm scared!"

"Okay. I'll text Price and ask him to do it. Is that okay?"

I nodded

He pushed the hair out of my sweaty and bruised up face.

"I didn't cheat on you!"

"I know you didn't. I'm sorry I made you believe that I thought that."

"Then why!?"

"I wanted to protect you. And I thought the best way to do that was to push you away!"

"I hate you." I sobbed before pushing as the doctor told me to. 

After an intense labor, he was born.

They placed him in my arms and I laughed.

"He's beautiful..."

"He sure is..." Johnny whispered.

After being cleaned up, we were moved to a different, clean and quiet room.

My baby laid asleep in my arms while Johnny stood by my side.

"I don't know what to name him."

"Are... are you asking me for help?"

I looked up at him tiredly and nodded.

"You did save us. It's only right."

"I... I always wanted to name my son Jamie."

"Jamie John. JJ for short." I smiled and I heard him start crying.

But should I give Jamie Johnny's last name? It would be very difficult to have his last name be different from mine.

"What's gonna happen now?" I whispered.

"Huh?" Johnny asked.

"Are you gonna move back to the UK to protect us?" I asked.

"I don't want to leave either of you behind... I still love you and I love my son."

"We could have shared the pregnancy together." I whispered.

"I know... I'm sorry." He stroked Jamie's little head.

"I understand why you did it. So Gaz didn't say anything?"

"No. The whole team felt bad for upsetting you. We brought Laswell in to try and keep you company."

I nodded, my eyes tearing up.

"I missed you. And it's gonna take a long time for me to forgive you."

"I can take time off to help you with the baby. I'm not going to ask you to move back with me. Not after I practically left you stranded. Plus your family will want to see the baby. But mine will too. If it's okay with you, can I fly them out here to meet him?"

I nodded.

I'm not ready to jump all in. But eventually... I'm sure we have live in the UK for some time and move back the other time."

"I want my family back." He kissed the top of my head.

A nurse walked in with a smile.

"Okay momma. Are you ready to learn how to breastfeed?"

I nodded.

"Okay. Papa, if it's okay, can I have you step out for a bit while we do this?"

Johnny looked down at me with concern.

I nodded and he nodded back before walking out the door.

Soap x Reader: I don't do military Where stories live. Discover now