11. They said yes

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(NOW I'm officially out of charters.)

Johnny was soon shoulder to shoulder with me.

I blushed darkly and pretended not to notice.

"You smell good." He whispered into my ear.

I turned red and hid my face.

He laughed and put an arm around me.

I tried not to stiffen up.

He placed his head on my shoulder and I tried to relax.

This is fine.

This is fine.

I'm going to live with him for a month, maybe more. I need to get use to this.

He ran his fingers up and down my arm slowly.

I shivered.

"Relax... just relax."

"I'm relaxed."

He pressed his face to my cheek.

"I know it's early, but I love you." He sighed into my ear and I felt myself turning red.

"Don't worry about saying it back. I know it's to early for you."

I was grateful he said that.

It is to early for me.

He cuddled into me and I relaxed as his hand ran up and down my arm slowly.

It was putting me to sleep.

Actually, it did put me to sleep.

When I woke up, I was cuddling up with Johnny who was awake and stroking my hair.

I felt myself turn red and I hid my face in his chest.

He chuckled and kissed my hair.

"You're okay."

I nodded.

"Do you work today?"

I shook my head.

"Good. I have you all to myself."

I turned red again.

"Whoa!" I yelped as I was rolled on top of him.

"Calm down, I won't drop you." Johnny laughed.

"I'm gonna hurt you!"

"No you're not! Relax! I got you. Just relax."

I stiffened up and glanced around.

He pushed my hair out of my eyes and rubbed my side.

"That's it. Just relax. I got you."

My eyes widened when I felt his lips on my cheek.

"I just want to love you... in every way possible... Will you let me?"

I gulped.

But I was getting excited.


I want to see where this all goes.

"Oh!"  I rolled off Johnny and picked up my phone.

"What's wrong?"

"I need to request a month off work."

I went into my work app and put in the request.

A minute later, they were calling me.

"Shit. Hello?" I answered. 

"YN, did you just request a month off?" My boss asked.

"I did."


"I'm visiting Scotland."

"Oh... and it has to be a month?"

"Um..." I looked at Johnny and he nodded with thumbs up. "Yes."

"Well.... Okay then. A month it is."

"Thank you, boss." I hung up.

"They said yes."

"Yay!" Soap hugged me and kissed my cheek.

I turned red.

"Oh, sorry. I was just excited!"

"It's okay."

He hugged me tighter and I pat his back awkwardly.

"I leave tomorrow. I don't want to leave you behind though..."

"It'll only be three weeks. And we still can text and call."

"It's not the same as having you with me!"

"As long as you don't die at war, we'll both be fine."

Soap x Reader: I don't do military Where stories live. Discover now