19. Six months later

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I looked at the test and sighed.

"Negative?" Johnny asked.

I nodded.

He sighed and looked sad.

We've been trying for a long time. Before we even got married.

But it just won't take.

"What if there's something wrong with me?" He asked and I hugged him.

"I'm sure that's not true. Sometimes these things just take a while." I tried to comfort him.

"Whatever." He took a deep breath before looking at me with a smile. "We'll have a family in due time."

"Yes we will." I kissed him.

"The guys are coming over later. Ima go get some stuff from the store." He said and we said our goodbyes.

About thirty minutes later, there was a knock on the door

I answered when I saw it was Gaz.


"Hey YN." He smiled and walked in.

Him and I have become close friends since before the wedding.

Gaz walked in and I locked the door.

We walked to the kitchen and chitchated about random stuff.

Gaz grabbed a beer and got me some water.

"So, how's it going? Any baby news?" He sat down next to me.

"Not yet, unfortunately."

"I'm sure you'll get there soon." Gaz smiled.

"I know. I just wish it was now, you know? Johnny really wants a family." I sighed and rested my head on my hand.

We talked for a while until John came home.

"Hey." I smiled and we kissed.

He fist bumped Gaz and we moved out to the grill in the patio.

Soon Ghost and Price walked out and Ghost helped Johnny grill the meat and corn.

Price sat on the chair next to Gaz and I.

"Hello, you two." He grunted as he sat.


"Price, how are you?" I smiled.

"Good. Hungry too." He took out a cigar, seemed to think for a second then put it away.

"I'm not pregnant yet." I smiled sadly.

"Still. Don't wanna risk anything." He said and I laughed.

"Thank you."

"Foods ready!" Johnny said and placed a plate in front of me before kissing my head.

"Aww, honey!" I laughed.

Everyone got a plate full of food and sat down again.

We began eating and talked. Then it got cold.

The boys didn't seem to mind so I didn't say anything.

I looked at Johnny as he stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"One second."

He left and he came back with a fluffy blanket. He put it around me and kissed my cheek.


I nodded and smiled.

"We have a new mission." Price cleared his throat.

"Ah. When do we leave?" Gaz sipped his drink.

"In three days. We'll be gone for about a month."

I frowned.

I've always hated when Johnny goes out on dangerous missions.

I get worried.

For three days, we went at it like rabbits.

Every chance we got to have sex, we took it.

Then he left and I had a big house to myself.

It's always so lonely like this.

Soap x Reader: I don't do military Where stories live. Discover now