5. Date

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(TW: insecurities of body shape. You call yourself a fatass)


I parked my car and watched Vinny and Stef park a little ways away.

I got out, locked the car and headed inside.

"Hi, do you have a reservation?" The waiter asked and I thought for a second.

"I'm not sure. If there's one it might be under John MacTavish?

"Oh, yes! Follow me please!"

Woah... this place is fancy... maybe I should have worn a dress.

But then he's see my thighs...

I hate how thick my thighs are.

We climbed a few stairs and I was winded by the end of it.

"Right in this room." He smiled.


"Yes! He booked a private room with our most gorgeous view. This room is books a year in advance!"


He knocked on the door before opening it.

"Mr MacTavish, your date is here."

Johnny jumped to his feet and smiled at me.

"YN, good evening!"

I walked in and was in awe at the view.

"It's pretty, isn't it?"

"It is...how did you get this room? The waiter said the room is booked a year in advance?"

"Oh, they got a cancellation and gave it to me." He smiled and pulled my chair out.

No...no no no no!

He's not going to be able to push me in when I sit on the chair!

I'll have to fake sit!

I walked over and hovered above the chair as he pushed it in.

Johnny sat down and I looked around for a menu.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Um, where's the menu?"

"Oh, I ordered for us already. I recall you saying you're a big meat eater and love steaks so that's what I got for us both."


I was gonna get a salad!

Sure, it's not what I want to order but I don't want him to think I'm a fatass! Well, I am, but I don't want him to think I'm trying to get any bigger!

I felt sick.

But I love steaks!

"Is everything okay?"

I looked up from my hands.

Shit, he probably saw my double chin in full effect!

"Yes! Thank you for getting me a steak! It sounds delicious."

"You look upset. Did I do something wrong?"

"No! No, everything is okay."

Just then the food was brought in along with some red wine.

"Thank you." We both smiled at the servers as they placed down the plates and poured some wine.

Shit, these steaks are really big... how little do I eat to not make him disgusted.

How little is to little and obvious? How much is to much?

I think I'm going to have a panic attack over this!

"Hey... are you sure you're okay?"

I looked up at Johnny and smiled.

"Yeah... I'm fine."

I picked up my form and knife and began to cut into the meat.

Is my cutting technique okay? I don't look to ghetto, do I?

I hope not.

"So, what do you do for work?"

"Oh, I'm a secretary at a gym."

Ironic isn't it? He must think it's hilarious that I'm fat and working at a gym.

I want to sink to the floor and die.

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