7. Phone call

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We talked about random stuff.

This and that, that and this.

It was a nice conversation.

Soon we finished the ice cream and my phone rang.

"Oh, sorry."

I went to silence my phone when I saw it was my mom calling.

"If it's important, go ahead and answer."

"No, it's just my mom. I'll call her back later."

"No, answer! I'll be quiet as a mouse."

I nodded and answer the FaceTime call.

"Hey mami!"

"Hey sweetie! Where are you, you're not home?"

"No, I'm actually on a date right now."

"Why are you answering if you're on a date!?"

"A date?!" I heard my father shriek. "My baby can't be on a date! She's just a kid!"

"Dad, I'm 23."

"And it's 1:08 in the morning! Who is this guy anyways!?"

"Um, I don't think he wants to be on camera."

"If he's taking my little girl out, I have a right to meet him!"


"It's okay. I don't mind." Johnny smile and I looked at him.


I positioned the phone so we could both be in view.

My dad pressed his face to my mom's face.

"Ohh, he's handsome." My mom said in awe.

"Why thank you Mrs. LN."

"Oh, where are you from?" She asked.

"I'm Scottish."

"And what do you work in? A doctor? Lawyer? Engineer?" My dad raised an eyebrow.

"I'm in the military."

"That's dangerous. YN, be careful. Military is the number one ranked worst occupation to date and marry."

"Dad!" I hissed.

"What, it's true!" He hissed back.

"I'll take good care of your daughter. I promise."

"You better. You better use those muscles to protect her and not beat her with."


"Oh, I promise to never lay a finger on her. I'd like to think I'm a gentleman. Besides, my teammates would beat me to a pulp if I even thought of hurting YN."

"As they should."


"What?!" He asked.

"I'm hanging up now. Goodnight you guys." 

I hung up and put my phone away. We talked until I was falling asleep.

"I think we should wrap it up here."

I nodded and sat up straight.

We walked back to our cars and laughed at random stuff Johnny said.

"I'd love to see you again. For a second date."

I thought for a second.

If he's leaving in a week and I'm not leaving with him, should I really give him a second date?

"Okay. I think I'd like a second date."

"Perfect." He smiled.

"I work tomorrow but I'm off at 8."

Wanna watch a movie?" He asked and I thought for a second.

"There's no good movie out right now. If you want. We can go to my place and watch Netflix."

Johnny smiled.

"I'd like that."

A second date turned to us hanging out every day and I found myself lying in bed actually considering moving with him.

But... my whole life.

I can't just up and leave.

I brought it up with Stef and Vinny and they glanced at each other.

Soap x Reader: I don't do military Where stories live. Discover now