30. Awake

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>YN's POV<

I woke up sore and tired.

I looked around.

Everyone but Johnny was gone. He was asleep in a chair next to me. Jamie was sleeping in a little crib.

I reached out and caressed Jamie's face.

I stop and winced. I have to pee.

I pushed the blanket off and grunted as I began to try and get off the bed.

"What are you doin'?" Johnny sat up and stretched.

"I gotta pee."

"Let me help." He got up and helped me limp to the bathroom.

"Are you sure you want to help me? You can wait outside."

"You use to walk into the bathroom while I was taking a piss all the time." Johnny said as I sat down slowly.

"Only because you wouldn't close the door."

I sat there and waited.

And waited.

"Nothings happening." I frowned.


"Oh, there we go." I said as I felt the urine come out.

"Atta girl."

"We left Jamie unattended." I frowned as he helped me back to bed.

"He's too small to do anything."

"He's too small to protect himself if someone came in to take him."

"We didn't go very far. I'm going to protect him. And you as all."

"Can I hold him?" I asked and Johnny placed him in my arms.

The door opened and his mom and two sisters walked in.

"Oh my god!" His mom squealed and rushed over to Jamie. "Is he really yours?" She asked.

"He is. YN let me name him."

"Oh, YN! That was so sweet of you. Even though he hurt you, you still let him name him? I'd hit you if you weren't holding my grandson." His mom glared.

I just smiled.

I was still hurt by him but I know that if I forgive him in the future, I'll regret keeping him from bonding with his son.

Jamie began to sniff the air and then began to cry.

"Oh, someone is hungry!" His mom smiled.

Johnny handed him back to me and I fed with, having some privacy with the blanket Johnny held up for me.

He spoke with his sisters and mom happily.

I've always loved his family. Now I just need to figure out what the game plan is for when I get out.

My mom held the baby basket as my dad and Johnny helped me walk into the house.

I could get around okay on my own but they insisted I need help.

"Alright, there we are," my dad pulled the blanket over me as I lay in bed.

My mom took Jamie out of the basket and rocked him.

"My little grandson... oh he's so cute!"

My dad stared at Johnny.

"Dad, stop it. He's going to stay to help."

"Your mom and I are all the help you need..." He grumbled.

"The more hands the better." I smiled.

"I still think we should make him sleep in the basement..." My dad huffed.

"No. It's okay." I sighed.

"Fine." My dad relented.

"Also, Gaz, Price and Ghost are coming over to visit Jamie."

"Of course they are..."

My mom handed me my baby and my parents left the room.

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