8. Should I?

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"Do you love him?"

"I don't think so."

"Are you ready to give everything up to be with him?"

"I.... I don't know."

"YN, this is a big decision. And he said you would live on base?" Vinny asked.

I nodded and they glanced at each other.

"You realize that in order to live on base, you have to be married, right?" Stef frowned.


They nodded.

"I don't even know that guy! How would I marry him!?"

"That's something you have to decide. I wouldn't be surprised if he proposes soon. Military couples tie the knot early as shit." Vinny sipped her tea.

"But we're not even together!"

"If you wanna live with him, you'll have to marry him." Stef leaned on the kitchen table.

"I don't even know how I feel about him."

"Would you take him to meet your parents?"

"My parents want to meet him." I nodded.

"Then tsk him to see them. They'll decide if he's good enough for you."

"He leaves in two days. I'd have to stay back at least two weeks because I need to give my resignation and I need to pack."

Knock knock knock.

"Oh. That's him. Do I look okay?"

"I'd course! Let's just hope he's up for a road trip."

I went to the door and opened it.

"Hey! I brought pizza!" Johnny held up a box of the... well... pizza.

"Hey, come in." I stepped aside and he went into the kitchen.

I locked the door and followed him.

He pulled out two plates and put two slices on each.

"Thank you, Johnny."

"Of course. How are your roommates?"

"Oh, they're healthy and happy. How's your team?"

"Ready to head home in two days."

"That's good."

We ate out pizza in awkward silence.

He wanted to say something and so did I.

"So... have you thought about it?"

"I definitely... have been thinking."

"Oh... that's good."


We went back to eating.

"So... do you wanna meet my parents?"

He coughed.

"I'm sorry, I just thought since you could ask me to move across the globe, I could ask you to meet my parents, but maybe not..."

"No, that's perfectly understandable. I'd love to meet your family."

"They live an hour away if you want to go right now."

"Sure. I just need to stop by the store and buy them a gift."

"You don't have to."

"Of course I do!"

I sighed and finished my pizza.

"You really don't but okay."

I washed my hands and let everyone know we were leaving and that there was pizza for them in the kitchen.

I grabbed my keys and we went to my car.

"I can drive us." Johnny offered.

"You always drive us. Relax for once. Oops." I said as I hit a curb. "Who put that there?" 

Johnny laughed.

"That was rude of them for just leaving random curbs lying around."

I smiled and we parked at Target.

"Alright. What did you have in mind, hm?"

Soap x Reader: I don't do military Where stories live. Discover now