24. Home

506 18 3

I rubbed my stomach as I walked out of the building.

My mom and dad picked me up but I don't feel like talking.

They seem to understand so stayed quiet.

When I got home, we sat down to eat.

"I'm pregnant."

My parents looked up from their bowls and seemed surprised.


"Did it happen before or after he asked for a divorce?" My mom asked.

"Before. I'm three months along."

"Does he know?" My dad asked. 

I shook my head.

"Are you gonna tell him?"

"No. Never."

"Honey... you need to. It's gonna be hard without-"

"No! I don't care about child support, I don't need his help! I don't want to have contact and I don't want to have shared custody!" I dropped my spoon and cried.

"Oh.... Honey..." My parents came to hug me.

"I'm scared. What if he tries to take my baby?!"

"No, that won't happen! We won't let it happen!"

"But he's military! He has power!"

"No... no, it'll be okay."

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

Months came and went. Johnny never contacted me and I never reached out to him.

I examined myself in the mirror.

My stomach was huge.

I'm almost at my nine month mark.

I'm nervous but I have so many people behind me to back me up.

Stef as Vinny are taking me to a restaurant to celebrate my last moments alone.

I got dressed and said bye to my parents before I got into Stef's car.

She drove us and we laughed.

Johnny was the last thing on my mind.

We sat down and I looked over the menu.


I've always been a meat lover but ever since my cravings kicked in, meat is so... tempting.

I decided on a steak and mango juice.

"Alright, here's your table. They'll be right with you to take your drink order in a few minutes."

Stef and Vinny's smile's dropped.

They glanced at each other and then smiled at me, trying to seem normal.

"What?" I asked.

"No, nothing!" Vinny smiled nervously. 

I looked over my shoulders as they tried to stop me.

My blood ran cold as I made eye contact with Johnny.

His teammates and Laswell were all looking at me.

I turned back around and stared at my stomach.

"What desserts do you want?" I smiled and looked over the dessert menu.

There was an awkward vibe from both tables.

I tried to keep my friends' spirits high and they seemed to calm down a little.


I need to pee.

But to get to the bathroom, I need to pass their table.

And they'll see I'm pregnant.

But I can't hold it.

I stood up, told them where I was going and walked to the bathroom.

Their table went silent when they saw me.

I finished my business in the restroom and washed my hands before going back to the table.

"You guys ready to pay and go?" I asked as I stood in front of our table.

Soap x Reader: I don't do military Where stories live. Discover now