6. This is awkward

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"Oh, does it pay well?"

"Not at all."

"Do you like working there?"

I shook my head.

I can feel everyone judging me as they walk past my desk.

Vinny and Stef say it's all in my head.

I've tried to work out before, I diet, I fast, but nothing helps.

I sipped my wine and cleared my throat.

"And you. How do you like... the military?"

He smiled.

"It's alright. It's risky but I have a good team working with me."

I nodded.

"Have you ever traveled out of the US before?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"How does living in the UK sound?"

"Oh... I don't know. I wouldn't have anyone over there."

"It's a nice place. I think you would like it."

"What are you doing in the US? Did you move here?" I asked curiously and took a bite of my steak.

"Work stuff. I'm leaving in a week."


He grinned.

"I'd love to bring you back home with me."

"Home like, your hotel or the UK?"

He laughed.

"Honestly? Both."

I turned dark red and looked away.

"That's a funny joke..."

"I mean it."

"I don't do hook ups honestly.  If I ever sleep with someone, it's going to be with someone I've know for a while and have a close bond with."

"Are you demisexual?"

"What's that?"

"Nevermind. I know we just met, YN, but I don't want to leave the United States without you. I want to bring you home with me. I think you'll like it too. You'd live on base, you'd get discounts to many places, it's a safe guarded community. I can't imagine what you wouldn't like about it. And you could choose not to work too. I make enough to support us both happily."

"I just met you. And I can't just leave my family. My mom and dad would have a heart attack."

"I could fly them out as often as they'd like. And if you don't wanna live on base, I could buy you a house."

"This is... a lot, Johnny."

"I understand. But... I don't want to leave without you."

There's no way I'm leaving with this guy to a whole other continent.

"Are you done? You haven't touched your steak in a while."

Shit, I ate a lot more than I wanted to.

"Yeah. I'm done."

Johnny called for the check and a to go box.

"Oh, by the way. These flowers are for you."

He handed me a bouquet of flowers and my eyes widened.

"Oh, they're beautiful!"

"I was hopping you would like them. Wanna go for a walk?"

"Oh, okay."

It'll help burn off some of the food I just ate.

Johnny took the to go bag and we walked out of the building.

We passed by an ice cream shop and Johnny paused.

"Want some ice cream?"


"Oh, I'm kinda full..."

"We can share one."

"Okay... that's fine."

"Which flavor do you want?" He asked as we walked in.

"Ohh, they have Ube!"

"Can we get two scopes? One of Ube and one of chocolate?"

We walked to a park after he paid, even though I insisted I pay since he paid for dinner and didn't want me to see how much the bill was.

We sat on a bench near the water and scooped up ice cream with a spoon.

Soap x Reader: I don't do military Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora