Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Eleonora's pov

• Throwback to 2014 - 7 years ago - Age 17 •

I kept thinking about the little white card with the contact information of Antonio Venturi. Should I call him, or should I just forget it, it was a real dilemma, it had been three days since he gave me the card, and I was still thinking a lot about it.

I returned home after another shift in the cafe. Today I was lucky to play two songs and people seemed to enjoy it, which made me happy. "Nora, you're home" Chiara said and walked to give me a hug as I stepped inside the house. "Hey Chichi, where's mom and Amadeo?" I asked and took off my shoes and jacket. "Mom is working a double shift today, and dad just left about an hour ago. I haven't eaten dinner yet and I'm starving," she said. - "I'll go make you something, why don't you go into my room and watch a good movie then I'll bring the dinner to you and we can watch the movie together?" I smiled and so did she.

"Yay, I'll choose a good movie. Thank you Nora" she said and ran to my bedroom. "You'd better" I smiled and then walked to the kitchen. I wasn't exactly feeling like standing in the kitchen cooking up dinner after a nine hour shift walking around, but for Chiara I would do anything, no matter how exhausted I am.

I cooked up something delicious for her, it was just a dish made from things we already had in the cabinets and fridge, but it turned out great. - "Why are you cooking dinner? Didn't you eat at your work?" Amadeo asked as he had just gotten home. "I did yeah, but Chiara also needs food, you remember her right? Your own daughter who you just left home alone around dinner time, just so you could what? Go get more beer?" I said and poured out the food on a plate for her.

"She is capable of cooking dinner! And now you're at it in the kitchen, set these into the fridge" he said and almost threw a heavy bag into my arms. "She is eight she can't cook dinner herself, and no I won't put your disgusting beer into the fridge, your things, your responsibility" I said as I placed the bag on the counter and took the plate and a glass of water for Chiara.

"Are you deaf? Put them away right now, or else!" he aggressively said. "Or else what? You want to hit me, kick me or punch me again, it's not like it's stopping you either way" I said and walked away. "Someday you're gonna regret this very much, young lady!" he yelled and pushed me out of the kitchen so I spilled water on the floor.

"Food is ready, have you found a good movie?" I asked as I got into my room, Chiara was snuggled up in the corner of the bed with a blanket, she looked so sweet. "Yeah I did.. Did you argue with my dad again?" she innocently asked. "Don't worry about it, I'll be right back. Just start the movie and eat your dinner so it doesn't get cold" I smiled and walked back to the kitchen to clean up the water.

The next day was my day off. Amadeo wasn't home, Chiara was in school and mom was getting ready for another shift at the hospital. "Goodmorning mom" I smiled. "Goodmorning Nora, do you have a day off today?" she asked and I nodded. "That's great.. hey Nora.. what is that?" she asked and pointed at a blue mark on my upper arm. "It's nothing, I just had a little accident at work the other day, you know I can be clumsy. I said and smiled, trying to cover the mark that Amadeo had caused. "Oh you have to be careful sweetheart, talking from experience blue marks isn't the prettiest thing walking around with, and they're super annoying" she said. She knew that I knew about what Amadeo did to her, so she didn't have to hide them from me.

"Talking about that, I promise I'll find a way to get us out of this mess, we can't live with him, mom.." I said. "I know, but we can't afford to leave him.. and Eleonora, you don't have to do anything, I'm the adult, I should find a way, but thanks for being so sweet" she smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead before she walked to change clothes.

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