Chapter Fifteen

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"What is it?" I ask as I take the faded old envelope from him.

"Just open and read it, and then I'll explain."

Dear Chrissy,

Please understand that the last thing I intended to do was hurt you. If we could run away, I would in a heartbeat, but too many lives count on me taking over now that my dad is dying.

I can't bring you and the baby into my life right now. I'm so very young to be in this position, so vulnerable, and you and our child will be considered a weakness. My enemies would seek to exploit that, and I can't have that.

But someday, I'll be strong, I'll have a firm hold on this empire, and when that time comes, if you'll still have me, I'd love nothing more than to marry you and have more children.

.... And I know promises don't mean anything until they can proven to be kept.

I will do what I can to ensure we can be a family.

I will wait for you until the end of time. However, if you choose someone else or no longer want me, I will accept it. I'll only wish you the best.

As for my son, though, I want him to have this.

Then, a line says this can be considered a legal contract with a second signature. Under that, it says.

If Jackson Mancini (Russo) chooses, he will be my predecessor when he reaches the age of twenty. I will begin grooming him to take over the Russo empire. When this time comes, I will work with him to mend and merge our family's strengths. Upon my death, Jackson Mancini (Russo) will be first in line to take over the family business and all its assets.

This offer will stand no matter what happens with Christina and the rest of the Mancini family.

It's then signed at the bottom with both those signatures. The second page is a DNA report showing Jackson's parentage.

I stare at it with a dumbfounded look on my face.

"My father, Vinny, is the only Russo who knew I am also a Russo. The Russos think they wiped my family out, including me, before he ever told them anything. If any of them found out this land is here and then that Edward Mancini's grandson is alive..." He leaves that unsaid. "I had to go and get this in case there was any chance they sent you here to spy or something. This would save my life if they came here." 

"That's why you were watching me for a while and didn't approach me?" I guess, and he nods in confirmation.

"I don't know why I got it in my head they sent you. They think I'm dead, and there's no reason for them to doubt that. And if they did, It wouldn't make sense for them to send one teenager all alone, but I got all paranoid anyway. I haven't seen a person since Franky last summer. Then you found my camp. My safe spot -  that really freaked me out,  but...  I'm sorry I held a gun at you."

There is nothing but sincerity in his tone and guilt in his eyes.

"It's okay, Jax. I'm sorry I came sneaking around. I was trying to figure out if you were someone already here or if the Russos had found me," I explain. "I knew where your fire was coming from; it didn't seem likely that it was them, but like you, I got all paranoid."

"This place does that. Even after you told me you were a runway, I still had doubts."

"I don't blame you. I can't imagine being out here alone for so long."

"Yeah.. it sucks, just me and all my ghosts."

I reach over and squeeze his shoulder and then give him back his envelope.

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