"Yeah.. can you stop, this is really weird.."

"Sorry, your dad is always pestering me to get married.."

"Maybe you should go out there and find the one then.. maybe we won't.."

"What if I already have?" He looks at me, and then back at my father as he gasps.. wanting to know who it is.. and again this makes me incredibly uneasy.

"What?!" My dad asks.. "Who?!"

"Well.. it actually doesn't matter who it is because she left me.."

"She what? If she left you, how can she be the one?"

"Because.." he looks up to the sky, leaning back in his chair, his arm resting across his chest.. "She is, I felt it whenever I was with her.. she has the most wonderful smile, that I can't get out of my head.."

"So.. why don't you go and get her?"

"She told me it's over, and that I won't get a second chance..but I know she's only saying that because she afraid of falling.."

"If she's the one Robert, you fight for her.." my dad tells her, but I can see my mom looking at him with a pressed brow, before glancing over to me with a questionable look.. she's not stupid, not when it comes to love, and feelings, she'll easy work out who it is he's talking about..

"I wish I could but I'm afraid she won't listen..I hid my feelings away from her, and let her walk away.. but the truth is, I love her.."

He gives me a side look, trying to not make it obvious to my dad, but I'm pretty sure my mom has worked it out by the small smile she gives me, before she looks back at Robert. She's worked it out, and I'm gonna get an earful later.. I can already tell.

"Oh my god, Downey is in love!!" My dad says enthusiastically.. "Downey is wanting to settle down!"

"I have to try and get over her.."

"No way man!" You have to go and get her.."

"Maybe.. I don't know.." he shrugs.. "I think it's time we called it a night.. it's late.." Robert is on my page, wanting this whole conversation to end.. I'm left feeling awkward, as now I know my dad would actually be okay with me and Robert.. so I know Robert is gonna push that. We all make our way back inside his house, and head out to the driveway..

"Thank you for a great night Robert, it's been.. interesting.." my mom gives him a friendly goodbye hug.. as does my dad, with a big pat on the back.

"Thanks man, see you Monday!" My dad calls back as he begins to walk with my mom.. leaving me standing with Robert..

"Thanks for having us.." I lean in to give him a friendly hug, as he wraps his arms around me to hug back, he whispers in my ear..

"You're welcome baby.." he places a kiss on my cheek.. "I meant what I said.." I glance my parent's way, and thankfully they aren't looking.. so they missed the little kiss he gave..

"You did?" I meet his eyes, and there's a sparkle to them, like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders..

"Of course.."

Silent LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora