Episode 30: Chance Encounter

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<Episode 30>
Chance Encounter

Hirozaki’s residence.
Enzo scans around the place, dishes unwashed, the entire place is a mess, bottles and empty cans lay all over the house.

Enzo: Jesus…

Hirozaki: Jesus is no longer welcome here. And so are you… why don’t you go back where you came from… leave me alone

Enzo: no can do brother. I can’t leave you like this

Hirozaki: GET OUT!!


Higgens: whoa, just what in the fuck is going on in there?

Juliette: don’t know

Higgens: you guys heard that right?

Olivier: I’m sure everyone heard that

Higgens: shouldn’t we go in?

Anderson: the Lieutenant ordered us to wait outside. So we wait


Hirozaki takes notice of Enzo’s uniform and sees that he ranked up to Lieutenant.

Hirozaki: whoa… you made Lieutenant. I guess I should give you a round of applause right? Wait… let me get my bearings… I’m going to gi… give you a standing ovation instead

He starts a slow clap and loses his balance a bit.

Enzo: Hirozaki… stop. Don’t. You’ve already done enough brother

Hirozaki: brother? You? Calling me brother? After what you’ve done?... He… hehe, brother. That’s laughable

Enzo looks at him questioning himself as to what could he be possibly be meaning by that statement. But then shakes his head at it.

Then Hirozaki stumbles onto his couch and crawls over to a bottle of whisky.

Hirozaki: what brings you here?

Enzo: I came to see if you want to come back to the army with me. My unit is down a men

Hirozaki: and you thought that I would want to join your unit?

Enzo: I was hoping so, yeah

Hirozaki: get the fuck out of here with that bullshit

Enzo: come on Hirozaki. What would Angela think if she saw you like this?

Hirozaki stumbles to the counter.

Hirozaki: Angela? She’s dead. Last I checked dead people don’t talk so…
[He shrugs in a drunken manner.]

Enzo: what about Lilly? What would she think?

Hirozaki’s expression changes to anger.

Hirozaki: do not, ever speak her name in front of me. Do you hear me!?

Enzo gives him a look of pity.

Enzo: I’m sure it will bring tears to her eyes. She wouldn’t even recognize you

Hirozaki: DON’T TALK ABOUT HER!! Shut the fuck up!!

Hirozaki pulls out a knife out from behind the counter.

Enzo: you gonna kill me now?

Hirozaki charges towards him and attacks with the knife but Enzo takes a sidestep and trips him onto the ground.

Enzo: you’re drunk. There’s nothing you can do to me in your state

Hirozaki: is that so? I’ve got something for you…

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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