Episode 28: Trail Leading To The West

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<Episode 28>
Trail Leading To The West

The three of them gather around the radio listening in to the frantic soldier speak. The aura of killing one another has lifted from the place and all they care about now, is listening in to the radio to hear if the soldier will repeat the location.

Nero: he’s just mentioning things we know

Emily: he mentioned the location a while ago but you two idiots were too busy trying to kill each other!

Sid: hey I was sticking up for you

Emily: I didn't ask you to do that

Nero: would you two shut up already? I'm trying to listen

Sid: oh now the radio was a good idea, look who's listening in now

Emily & Nero: Sid Shut Up!!

Sid: fine!
[He says with a smirk on his face]

It’s been a while since they agreed on something together, and now Nero has clearly acknowledged Emily’s presence, although there's a long way to go to get through to him.

The soldier on the radio goes on...

Soldier: there are a lot of dead people here, along with frozen infectids

Asami: what else do you see? (it must be his brother this time.)

Soldier: more ice and also what seems to be electricity sparking off the ice. I've never seen anything like this

Asami: how many of my men are dead?

Soldier: none ma’am. Like I said before we only just arrived here, the dead bodies are Genesis scientists and G.S.S. operatives

Asami: anything else?

Soldier: there's a trail that leads on an outward direction ma’am

Asami: outward?

Soldier: yes, like out of the city but there’s one more that seems to be headed north of the city

Asami: I don't get it, are they heading out or north of the city?

Soldier: I don't know ma’am, it’s all too confusing, the foot trails lead north and then stop midway, like the targets vanished or took flight

Asami: okay, I'll send a team to head out of the city, you should follow the trail heading north

Soldier: yes ma’am. I knew coming to this place was a bad idea, these damn Genesis facilities are infectid and Reborn hunting ground

The soldier maintains radio silence and it’s back to static.

Nero: he didn't mention the location again. Dammit!

Sid: no, no,no wait, I think I may have something. He mentioned Genesis facility

Nero: so?

Sid: so I’m sure it must appear on that GSR map

Emily: that’s right

Emily quickly rushes over to her bag and pulls it out, pulls up the map on screen and they start scanning.

Emily: I don't see any facilities here

Sid: here, type on the search column “Genesis Facility”

She types it in and the map shows a list of Genesis facility names on the screen.
Weaponry Factory
Research Facility West
Research Facility East
Research Facility North
Genesis Headquarters Ser. C

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