Episode 22: Those Who Shall Conquer

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<Episode 22>
Those Who Shall Conquer

Nero walks a few paces ahead of Emily and Sid, he's barely said a word to them since. Emily, gazing at his back as he walks, she can't help but feel that there's a difference, this doesn't feel like the same Nero from a year and a half ago. He's filled with rage and resentment, he looks like he could snap at any minute.

Sid: are you all right?

Emily: hmm?

Sid: you haven't said a word

Emily: I'm just… worried

Sid: about him?

Emily: yeah… he's different

Sid: It’s like I told you, he's not the same person we knew from that time. He's consumed by his guilt for what happened to Leo, he blames himself

Emily: why? It’s not his fault

Sid: tell that to him

Emily: from what you told me, he arrived there a little late, there was nothing he could do, right?

Sid: I don't know, Emily. But I can tell you this, I've tried getting through to him and some words get there but in the end, the result stays the same, nothing barely changes

Emily: ...

Sid: I've done all I could for him. Maybe you can try, he listens to you… a lot may have happened but I'm sure he still feels something for you

Emily: I don't know, a year and a half is an awfully long time

Sid: it can't hurt to try… then again..

Emily: ...

They both gaze upon his back, barely sparing a second to turn back to them. Emily decides to go up ahead and walk beside him.

Emily: hey

Nero: ...

Emily: I'm sure you have a lot of questions about where I've been all this time

Nero: not really

Emily: oh..

Sid makes a face behind them, this is not going well.

Emily: well, Nero...

Nero: Emily

Emily: yes?

Nero: ..I'm not in a talking mood right now

Emily stands in place and watches as he continues walking.
Sid stands by her side.

Sid: you're gonna have to do better than that

Emily: I don't know what to do

Sid: reconnect with him

Emily: how?

Sid: that's something you should figure out

Air space.
Several army helicopters fly into Seraph city, every person walking outside can see them as they fly in, they didn't bother wasting their time in entering the city unnoticed.

Amber: Lieutenant, are you sure entering this way is wise? They could’ve noticed us by now

Asami: that's exactly why I wanted to enter this way, I want them to see us, I want them to know that we're coming

Amber: all right then

Nero notices the choppers fly in, he barely sheds a sweat and continues walking straight ahead.
Sid and Emily notice the army as well.

Sid: shit, they're here

Emily: they came for you guys?

Sid: yeah, I made it to number one on their most wanted list… well, number two, following Nero

Emily: that reminds me, back there you hinted something about what Nero did

Sid: when?

Emily: when you had your gun faced towards Lee's face

Sid: oh… that was in the heat of the moment, nothing you should worry about

Emily: now I'm getting really worried, what happened?

Sid: ...

Emily: spit it out, Sid

Nero: might as well tell her, it won't change anything

Sid: (that's what you think)

Emily: ...

Sid: the reason why there are so many soldiers flying in from Sapphire City is because Nero...

Emily: what did he do?

Sid: ..he attacked the whole army base and almost completely destroyed it, killed I don't know how many soldiers there

Emily: what!?

Sid: so, now if you're seen with us, you'll probably be marked as a target too, so stay out of sight. I got a feeling they have the shoot-to-kill order out on us

Emily: well then we have to get out of this open space. I have a place where we can go and hideout

Nero: ...

Sid: Nero? This sounds like a good idea

Nero: ..sure, fine

Emily leads them to her hideout, out in the other side of the city. A secluded area full of weird and dangerous people.

Sid: you hid out here?

Emily: yeah

Sid: and none of these guys had the thought of attacking you?

Emily: you think I came here all by myself, no. I only came to this hideout when I was with Lee, they didn't dare to do anything to me when he was around

Sid: oh. I gotta ask

Emily: what?

Sid: Lee… why him?

Emily: I'll answer your question once we've settled in

Creepy guy: welcome back, baby

Emily: eew, back off asshole

Creepy guy: oh come on baby

Sid draws his gun and aims it at the guys face.

Sid: you heard the lady, back off

The man slid off back into the shadows from whence he came.
Emily reaches the door to her hideout, she unlocks and removes the padlock then opens the door.

Emily: here we are

Sid: home sweet home?

Emily: you can say that… for now

Sid: not bad

Nero enters and Emily closes the door behind him. On the wall, a wanted poster hangs, it’s of a huge bald man presumably seven foot and five inches, wanted for killing two scientists and stealing ice cream from a street vendor, he was last seen with another man wearing a lab coat, presumably a scientist. Ranked extremely dangerous, approach with caution, both might be regarded as Reborn.

Sid: whoa, who's this weird bald guy on this poster?

Emily: I don't know, some wanted Reborn

Sid: hahaa, for stealing ice cream?

Nero heads over to the couch, lays on his back with his hands behind his head.


Seraph City.
Army Base.
Asami heads over to the Commander in charge, Colonel Aizen Sazaki.

Asami: Colonel

Col. Aizen: Lieutenant Asami, General Cross told me to be expecting you

He looks over her shoulder and sees behind her, over twelve men lined up.

Col. Aizen: you spared no soldier

Asami: I sent out a few of them elsewhere to look out, and contact me if they find our targets. But they came on their own volition. We all want vengeance for what was done to us. We shall conquer

Col. Aizen: yes, I heard of what happened. Bad news indeed, anything you want, I'm here to help

Asami: thank you, Colonel

To Be Continued...

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