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<Episode 5>

Kanami village.
Nero walks outside for a while to take in some air. He sets his sight around the small town and notices people barely living, poverty all around.
Not a minute late, Sid approaches at his side and gathers the same view of the village.

Nero: this village...

Sid: yeah I know. It's messed up right?

Nero: no it's not that. Why would they all move back to this dead village? It used to be overrun with infectids

Sid: not anymore. About a year and a half ago mercenaries came to this village and removed every single one of those infectids

Nero: I know that

Sid: you do?

He asks while turning to face him.

Nero: Leo and I were those mercenaries you're talking about

Sid's eyes widen and he follows up the expression with the statement, "you're kidding."

Sid: I would have never guessed it

Nero: I ask again. Why would they all move back here?

Sid: look at these people, Nero. Almost, if not all of them were homeless had it not been for this village to remain vacant for so long. They'd have nowhere to go if they were to leave this place. They would have eventually end up as fast-food for the infectids

Nero: it doesn't seem like anything’s changed for them though

Sid: on the contrary, a lot has

Nero: what?

Sid: well for one they have shelter now, no matter how broken it may be. Also a safety fence surrounds this village, electric, one million-plus volts

Nero remains silent with a distant expression across his face.
Sid notices his absent state, it doesn't really require him to wreck his brain to wonder what it is on Nero's mind, to him it's obvious. He then glances at the slowly healing scars on his body, clearly visible due to the torn rags Nero is currently wearing.

In just a few minutes, they find themselves inside the small hut which Sid calls his "hideout."
Nero remains seated on the lumpy bedspread, gazing upon his reflection from the cracked mirror ahead of him. Reliving each painful moment upon gazing at each scar and wound on his body accompanied by his screams of what he thought would be endless agony echo repeatedly in his mind.

Sid's footsteps sound his approach as he enters with a change of clothes for Nero, some of Sid's old clothing.

Sid: here

He says to him while offering him the clothes.

Nero: you want me to wear this?

Sid: I get it. It's not five-star clothing but it's better than those rags you have on

Nero: Sid, these clothes won't fit me

Sid silently scans the size of Nero's arms and measures them to the shirt he's currently holding, quite big. Nero's been under captivity for over a year and which is why he has lost a considerable amount of weight since his capture.

Nero: don't you have something else?

Sid looks around in his wardrobe and finds a few of his army trainee clothes.

Sid: how about this?

Nero: is that an army uniform?

Sid: trainee actually

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