Episode 8: Genesis And The Army Working Together?

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City of Aramis.
Genesis Head Quarters.
Outside the building...
Enzo gets the report of Nero's escape.

Enzo: what!? When did this happen!?

Soldier: a couple of days ago sir

Enzo: days!? Days!?

Soldier: ...

Enzo: and I'm only notified now!?

Soldier: uh… sorry sir?

Enzo cuts the call.

Enzo: I leave those idiotic women to take over for a couple of days and this happens!?

Anderson: what's up, sir?

Higgens: bad news?

Enzo: he's escaped

Juliette: you mean the captive?

Higgens: the Reborn?

Enzo: you guys are going to be repeating the same thing to me?

Juliette: no sir, sorry

Higgens: yeah, sorry

Anderson: how did it happen?

Enzo: we have a job, no need to worry about it now, let's go

Enzo and his men make their way inside the building.
The receptionist quickly notice them as they enter. She then calls the CEO of Genesis.

Receptionist: sir, the men from the army have arrived

Ainsley: I'm on my way

Enzo and his men reach the receptionist’s table, before he could let out a word..

Receptionist: Mr. Ainsley is on his way to meet you, sir. If you wait a little while please

She gestures with her left hand for them to take a seat but they stand firmly in place.

In a few moments... He eventually appears to meet with them.

Ainsley: welcome gentlemen, welcome… oh, sorry, and also lady

Ainsley offers for a handshake but Enzo just looks at his stretched out open hand.

Enzo: ...

Ainsley closes his hand awkwardly and then pinches his eyes slightly.

Ainsley: okay, straight to the point it is then


On the road to Sapphire city...
Nero sits silent in the passenger seat, looking out the window, deep in thought, reminiscing about the last drive he had to Sapphire City, he was on the driver seat and Leo sat silent in the passenger seat like he's doing right now, with an added difference, he's been awake the whole ride while Leo laid past out when he was driving. Sid, on the other hand, jerks left and right from his seat, trying to find that perfect seat position but can't seem to.

Sid: ugh! God dammit, this seat is chaffing my ass, how long have I been driving?

Nero: six hours

Sid: it feels like seven

Nero: it feels like eight, you've been driving like an old woman, last time I drove from Mystyn Oak to Sapphire City, it took me five hours

Sid: I'm driving this way to keep from unwanted attention

Nero: whatever

Sid: well it’s true

Nero: unwanted attention, I drove there in an army truck, with the GPS still on and still made it there with no problems

Sid: oh!? You want to drive? I'll pull this baby over right now and we can switch

Nero: shut up and drive Grandma

Sid: Gran..? Let me tell you something, Nero

Nero: *sigh*

Sid: if you keep talking to me like that young man, I'll turn this car around, right now!

Nero looks at him with a seemingly vexed expression.

Sid: sorry, I kinda always wanted to say that

Sid’s phone vibrates from inside his pocket, he dips two fingers and pulls it out. He reads the message. “Yo, Sid!”

Sid: who’s this?
He asks out loud.

Nero: something up?

Sid: no… I don't think so

He says and dips the phone back into his pocket and thinks nothing of that message.

Nero on the other hand wonders what the hell was that about.


City of Aramis.
Genesis building.

Ainsley: It’s finally good to talk to one of you soldiers in person, I've been in talks with your General lately

Enzo: yes, he’s mentioned a few of your chats

Ainsley: so he’s told you about what we’re in talks about?

Enzo: no, he hasn't, I was hoping that you'll enlighten me about the matter

Ainsley: well, we've been in talks of merging, helping each other out. We know that you soldiers have gotten into the Reborn capturing scheme, which is what's been fanning the flame in this little war we have among each other. Your men fighting my men and for what? Huh? I see it as we want the same thing here

Enzo: and which is?

Ainsley: removing the dangerous Reborns from the streets, these type of people are dangerous and unpredictable, they’re even more dangerous than the Infectids

Enzo: is that so? Because I seem to hear that you personally want us out of the picture and to leave you to capture the Reborns yourselves. Mind telling me what’s that about?

Enzo’s unit trade expressions.

Ainsley: oh, dear. Lieutenant, it’s not like that, really, what I’m trying to do is keep you all safe. Truth is, yes I want you to keep away from hunting for Reborns. None of you have the experience and capabilities to handle the Reborn problem, so if you may, I already spoke to your General about the matter. Stand down before lives are lost, you’re in way over your heads. Stand. Down

Enzo stares directly into Ainsley’s eyes brimming with detest for him.

Ainsley: so, if you'll walk this way

Ainsley shows Enzo and his men to a display room, complete with a two way mirror.

Enzo: what's this?

On the other side of the window, are four life sized mannequin dolls, whom are dressed in a special designed army uniform, built with Genesis tech.

Ainsley: these Mr. Enzo, are the future you

Enzo: oh? Really now?

Ainsley: yes

Enzo: oh, and it’s Lieutenant Enzo. Not “Mr. Enzo”

Ainsley: my apologies. As I was saying, these are the enhanced and upgraded army wear

Enzo: new uniforms?

Ainsley: you did hear the “enhanced and upgraded” part right? These aren't your basic army uniforms, these are specifically built for Reborn encounters, for example

Ainsley signals for a demonstration. First, they open fire on the army uniform.

Ainsley: they're bullet proof

Higgens: no shit

Secondly, they set out flames to the uniforms.

Ainsley: fire proof

Thirdly, a jet stream of water fires out to the well equipped uniforms.

Ainsley: water proof, the techs built into the uniforms, like arm computers, radio networks, remain unharmed

Lastly, the room temperature gets lowered to below freezing point.

Ainsley: they can withstand the coldest of weather’s. Also a built-in automatic warming function for extreme colds to kick-in at the right time

Enzo: (this could come in handy when I finally encounter him)

Anderson: damn

Ainsley: this is what your General and I have been in talks about

Enzo: Genesis and The Army working together

Ainsley: to fight a common threat

Enzo: well, it’s worth it, if it’s to stop this threat, but why build army uniforms for us that are well equipped for going up against Reborn, but refuse to let us fight them… seems a bit redundant don’t you think?

Ainsley: these are for protection against the Reborn threat, not for you to go out and fight them. And please, these are just prototypes, we’ve not tested them out for field work yet. There are still a few kinks till they are good to go

Enzo: alright then, I think I’ve seen enough. Unless there’s more you’d like to show us

Ainsley: I’m afraid that is all, Lieutenant

Enzo: Alright then

On the way off the premises...

Ainsley: I take it you approve of this alliance?

Enzo: It’s not my call, but I don't see why wouldn't the General agree to it

Ainsley: I'll be in talks with him

Ainsley extends his hand to Enzo. Once again Enzo stares at the hand for a while longer… but then eventually a firm hand shake between the two.
Ainsley walks back into the building, in that moment, Anderson walks next to Enzo.

Enzo: did you do it?

Anderson: the bugs are all set, as soon as we're all set up, we'll be able to listen in to every one of their conversations

Enzo: good

Inside the building...
Ainsley meets up with Meilin.

Meilin: and?

Ainsley: they bought it


Sapphire City.
City Gate Limits.

Sid parks just outside.

Nero: so, how do we get in?

Sid: this way

Sid leads Nero around the gate and meets up with one of his many acquaintances he’s met over a year ago. A very bulky Cuban Mexican man with tattoos.

Contact: Sid, jyu made it amigo

Sid: yeah, this is the friend I told you about

Contact: the one you busted out?

Sid: yeah

Contact: eyy, Sid jyu loco for going up against the army by yourself jyu know that?

Sid: I had to do what had to be done

Contact: How goes it hermano?

He looks over at Nero.

Nero: so far, so good

Sid: you got a way in for us?

Contact: follow me, amigo

The man leads them to an underground passage into the city, away from any soldiers. In just about a twenty minutes hike, they make it into the city.

Contact: there you go, this is my stop, man

Sid: thanks

The man clears his throat.

Sid: yeah, yeah

Sid pays him $5000.

Contact: oh man, jyu shouldn't have

Sid: right

Contact: anything else I can help jyu with?

Nero: yeah, you ever hear about a psychic in this city?

Contact: yes, I know of him

Nero: you know where to find him?

Contact: I think close to the town square, but jyu'll have a lot of trouble with the army, they're heavily guarded in that part of the city

Nero: I'll do my best, thanks

Contact: okay, jyu guys stay out of trouble okay?

Sid: we'll try

The contact goes his own way.

Nero: where'd you meet that guy any way?

Sid: long story

Nero: ...

Sid: bring back any memories?

Nero: yeah

Nero thinks back to the moment the titan Infectid emerged from underground and begun it’s rampage of the City. How he and Leo had to stop the colossal threat.

To Be Continued...

Reborn: AscensionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora