Episode 14: Battling Against The Juggernaut Unit

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<Episode 14>
Battle Against The Juggernaut Unit

Future Sight.
Adakis snaps out of his trance.

Sid: what happened? What did you see?

Adakis: Nero...

Sid: what about him? Where is he!?

Adakis: he’s…staring directly at the man with Leo’s pendant

Sid: Enzo?

Adakis: ... If that’s his name… then yes


Shinku Bridge.
Nero stands before the army trucks, Enzo immediately locks eyes with him.

Higgens: oh shit it’s him

Anderson: yeah no shit

The other team of The Juggernaut Unit step out of their truck to join up with Enzo and the others, whom have also stepped out from their truck as well. M16 rifles at the ready.

Among the whole team, Nero doesn’t spare a look towards them, all he has in mind are two things, Enzo’s death and reclaiming Leo’s pendant.

Enzo: really? After the whole great escape, you actually bring yourself to me? Hahaha

Nero: you have something I want. A couple of things actually, and I’m going to take them

Enzo: ...

Olivier: sir, give me the order and I’ll blow a hole in his head

Jackson: yeah, give us the order, LT

Anxious for action, Enzo’s team can barely keep their fingers steady on the triggers.
Nero, anxious himself, can’t stand to watch Enzo carrying on around walking with that pendant around his neck, acting like it’s his.

Enzo: I take it you’re not going to tell me where your brother is

Nero: ...

Nero clenches his fist out of anger in remembrance of his torture by the hands of the man he’s currently staring at.

Enzo: seeing how you’re standing here all on your lonesome without him anywhere clearly tells me you really don’t know where he is. You’re looking for him as well am I right?

Nero grinds his teeth out of frustration.

Enzo aims his machine gun.

Enzo: this is...

Nero: you’re going to keep running your fucking mouth? Or are you finally going to do to me what you claimed you were going to do?

Enzo: oh, ballsy aren’t we?

Nero: guess I am the one who’s going to make the first move

Nero charges towards them, every member of the Juggernaut Unit take up arms and they simultaneously open fire. He blocks with his abilities and quickly gets to Enzo. Nero grabs him by the neck and hurls him over at an idle car crashing his back on the front windshield.

Anderson: Lieutenant!

Sergeant Jackson uses his grenade launcher and fires one round towards Nero, the grenade makes contact and sends him flying backwards.
Olivier checks on Enzo, who miraculously gets up from the ordeal with barely a scratch.

Olivier: you all right, Lieutenant?

Enzo: urgh, don’t worry about me, continue firing at him!

Olivier: It’s all good, Jackson got him with a grenade launcher

Enzo: you don’t get it! He’s not down!

Nero charges towards them with a heavy take off that shatters the ground behind him. The bridge they’re currently having their battle on cracks.

Jackson: oh shit!

Jackson fires another round but Nero dodges the bullet, and charges towards him, Jackson jumps out of his way and in doing so, Nero knocks one of the trucks over fifty yards from them.

Higgens: fuck!

Jackson: what the hell is he made off!?

Enzo: Jacks, go heavy duty on him! The rest of you use grenades and grenade launchers on him!

As Nero approaches, he gets a hail of explosives hurled towards him, and Jackson arms himself with his favourite toy, he’s custom Gatling gun. With the word “Bad-Bitch” spray painted on the side of the gun. He fires a hail of relentless bullets. Nero has no choice but to take cover from the attack.

Jackson: whoo hoo! How you like me now bitch!? HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW!!?


Sapphire City. Destroyed Army Base.

The Genesis crew make their presence felt at the base. Complete with their scientists and three teams of G.S.S. operatives.

Nielson: General Cross, I presume

Cross: correct, and you are?

Nielson: I am here to do a job and also try to find the culprit who’s behind this… catastrophe. But I’m guessing you were asking who I was, right?

He extends his hand to the General. Cross, reluctant to shake his hand but in the end, he does just that.

Nielson: Dr. Nielson, head researcher of Genesis corp.

Asami: wait, I remember you, you came to the site when the giant Infectid appeared as well

Nielson: yes, that was me

Asami: you guys have lousy timing of showing up, you only arrive after the incident happens

Nielson: yes, and you people are always smack dab in the middle of it aren’t you?

Cross: you said you were here to do a job, what exactly?

Nielson: oh yes, almost slipped my mind, see that G.S.S. operative there with the unusual device in his hand?

Cross: what about him?

Nielson: right now he’s searching for waves, usually when these Reborn people use their abilities in one place, they send out gamma waves, the kind of waves you can’t see with the naked eye, but with that device there, it appears clearly

Cross: so, how does seeing those waves help?

Nielson: once the device has completely scanned through the required field, it makes it easier for us to track the culprit down. The waves leave a trail behind, almost like bread crumbs, you follow it, you get your prize

The G.S.S. operative signals a thumbs up for his team that the scanning is complete.

Nielson: and just like that, they’re off to get the prize

Cross: Lieutenant, send a team to follow those men

Asami: yes sir

Nielson: oh my, did I give you the impression that those men did that for you? Haha, I’m sorry. They did that for themselves, they won’t like having your military men follow them while they do this

Asami: what? Then what...

Nielson: I’m also here to send you a message, we at Genesis know that you’ve been going around capturing Reborn as well, those missions of yours are required to be put to a permanent halt

Cross: I already spoke with your CEO about that matter. But that man is my prisoner

Commander Harper approaches.

Harper: “WAS” your prisoner, now he’s our target. I hate to do this but, Mr. Cross...

Cross: it’s General

Harper: General Cross, if your men are seen anywhere in our parameter, they’ll be immediately struck down, so I’d suggest you stay out of our way. Let’s go doctor

Nielson: well, it was nice to meet you, General

The G.S.S. team enter their helicopters and prepare to leave the area.
A soldier hurries to Asami’s side.

Soldier: ma’am, we just got word from Sergeant Juliette that Lieutenant Enzo and his team are under attack by that same Reborn

Asami: where?

Soldier: the Shinku Bridge

Asami: looks like we don’t need your little device to find our target

Nielson: ...

Harper: what?

Harper quickly makes it to the helicopter.

Asami: send a team down there immediately

Soldier: yes ma’am

Cross: your ride is leaving you

Nielson hurries to the helicopter.

Army choppers leave the base before the Genesis helicopters could get off the ground.

Nielson: Shinku Bridge, that’s where he is!

Kenzo: just who the hell are you giving orders to? You need to remember your place, you’re just a lousy scientist nothing more

Nielson scowls.

Harper: we must get there before these military jarheads arrive first

Kenzo: yes sir

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