Episode 20: The Rush To Find Leo

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<Episode 20>
The Rush To Find Leo

Sid and Nero walk around Seraph City, memories come rushing back to both of them. To Sid, he remembers mainly his stay at The Branded Hideout, the friends he made, people who regarded him as part of the family, and also his lost love, Esme. Nero remembers the moment Leo ran off to fight Lee, one of the moments when he felt helpless when it came to him again, also the moment of heading to their old home and also, Kieran, the ender of The Branded, killer of their leader, Bryan.

Sid: this fucking city again. It brings back memories

Nero: I know, it’s hard not to think about it

Nero looks over to the direction of the city's theme park. The battlefield to his and Leo's battle. Memories.
The thought of it makes him grit his teeth and clench his fist.

Sid: yo, we really need to get out of sight, that soldier has let the word out about our location, the other jarheads must be looking for us now

Nero: ..yeah


Sapphire City.
Army Base.
Asami, still with her arm in a sling, goes to work. News about the whereabouts of Nero has reached the base and every soldier there is anxious to get their revenge.

Iwasaki: Lieutenant, you not really going out there are you?

Asami: I am, that son of a bitch deserves every bullet in this machine gun and I plan on emptying it on his face

Iwasaki: you're in no condition to face him, your arm..

Asami: this? I've been to more dangerous missions with a lot more severe injuries, Iwasaki. This is like a flesh wound, nothing to worry about

Iwasaki: but ma'am..

Asami: I'm done talking about this, Corporal. Either you're coming with me to take this guy down or I'm going to have to order you to stand down

Iwasaki: ...

Asami walks past Iwasaki, full of rage, she makes her way to the soldiers heading over to the helicopters. She meets up with Sergeant Amber, rallying the troops.

Asami: how's everyone?

Amber: we're ready, waiting for you

Asami: right, get in your choppers! When we get there and find him, we give him hell!

The soldiers cheer.
A dozen army helicopters ascend into the air, with units of six men in each. Heading over to Seraph City.
Iwasaki makes her way into Asami's helicopter, she sits next to Amber and gives a nod to her Lieutenant, reassuring her that she's behind her all the way. The helicopter ascends and takes flight.

Below, watching as the choppers take to the sky like a flock of birds heading for migration. Is Juliette, one of the Sergeants in what was the Juggernaut Unit. After Nero's attack, soldiers around including them are beginning to think that this unit is no more, with Enzo the way he is, doubt has clouded the return of the Juggernauts.

Anderson approaches behind her with a can of beer in his hand.

Anderson: they're already heading off huh?

Juliette: yeah

Anderson: this sucks, that should be us heading over there, not a bunch of wet neck corporals and Sergeants. A mission like this is Juggernaut material

Juliette: after what happened to us, I'm afraid no one thinks the way you do

Anderson: and what about you? You don't think the way I do?

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