Episode 12: The Reborn Nero

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<Episode 12>
The Reborn Nero

Army Base.
Nero continues to lay waste to the army base, destroying and killing anything and anyone in his way. In seconds he covers half the base searching for Enzo.

A hail of gunfire and grenades going off are heard miles away, it’s like a warzone at the army base, with most of the Lieutenants and high ranked units out on missions, the only soldiers left are led by Sergeants and Corporals, most of them do not have any experience taking on individuals with abilities, so the inexperienced ones die first.

General Cross steps out of his office to witness this sight.

G. Cross: what the hell is going on!?

Soldier: General… it’s the wanted Reborn, he’s here!

G. Cross: what!?

Nero charges towards dozens of gun firing soldiers, he blocks their bullets with his wing -even if he doesn't block, his healing powers would take effect in no time- then enters in the middle of them. With no time to waste, he crushes the first soldiers chest cavity with one blow, sending him flying over another unit like a bowling ball, causing all of them to fall over.

One soldier charges closer to him, noticing that his gun isn’t doing the job, he decides to go in for a more close range attack, with his army knife drawn, he goes in for the kill. Nero notices him coming with his peripheral vision and with one punch, he caves in his face, killing him instantaneously. He’s fist still in the soldier’s face, by now Nero is covered in the blood of the dead soldiers, he turns to look at the rest of the soldiers standing behind him, his face looking more intensifying and the soldiers whom are staring at him are frozen with fear.

Soldier2: he’s a monster… a true monster!

The rest of the soldiers back off from him and regroup, thinking of ways to get through his armour. But while they’re still doing that, Nero charges towards them and dismembers them one by one.


A few kilos away, Asami and her unit make their way to the base, racing through the streets.

Asami: you!

She hollers at Sid whom is handcuffed in the backseat of the truck.

Sid: what?

Asami: what the hell are you two planning!?

Sid: I’m as stumped as you are, this wasn’t my idea, I have no idea what is he doing


Army Base.
Nadia quickly approaches the General.

Nadia: sir!

Cross: Lieutenant

Nadia: what… what’s happening?

Cross: take a closer look Lieutenant, it appears we’re under attack, gather your unit!

Nadia: I’ve already called for them, they’ll be here in a few moments

Cross: moments!? We don't have a moment, Lieutenant, gather which ever unit you can find and head down there

Nadia: yes sir

Nadia hurries to find a unit in time, while hers is still on the way to the base.

Nero begins going to each wounded soldier, and asks them one question each.

Nero: where is Enzo?

The soldier is too badly injured to answer the question, he dies in his hand. Nero mushes he’s face into the ground, crushing his face. And then he moves on to the next soldier and asks the same question.

Nero: where is Enzo?

Soldier2: ..f..fuc..you..

Nero snaps his neck. Then on to the next one, same question again.

Nero grabs the soldier and repeats the question again.

Soldier3: pl... Please… don't kil… m..

No answer, Nero kills him by shoving his hand into his chest and his hand can be seen as it appears from the soldier’s back, holding his heart in his hand. He turns his attention to the next victim, as he picks him up of the ground, a sniper bullet enters just above his right shoulder. With fire around smoking plain abruptly Nero turns over to look who shot him, he inhaled some of the smoke around the plain and blows it out of his nostrils.

Nero turns to the direction of which the bullet came from, it’s up above from the tower. It’s a sniper. He stares at the soldier ominously and she sees him through her scope.

Nero uses his razor sharp Detonation Feather and shoots straight through the sniper rifles scope, penetrating through to the soldiers eye, killing her instantly. After a few seconds then an explosion erupts at the tower where the soldier took up the position.

Nero heals and goes back to his questioning.

Nero: Enzo, where is he?

He asks a terrified soldier who begins to wet his pants upon his approach.

Soldier4: I… don't… know...

Nero: my my my, you’re absolutely terrified of me aren’t you?

Soldier4: please… I don’t know anything!

Nero: it’s alright… I see you’re badly injured… I know what to do

Soldier4: wha… what are you going to do to me? Please stop!... Help me! Somebody!

Nero stretches out his black wing and pulls out a single black feather and drops it in the soldiers open palms.

Nero: grab on to that feather, tightly. It’ll heal your wounds

Soldier4: like I’d ever believe you!

Nero: fine… don’t believe me, you can remain here and bleed out for all I care

Nero turns around and starts to walk away from the soldier, exactly when the feather begins to glow.

Soldier4: like this? It’s glowing…could it be actually working?

The feather detonates right in the face of the soldier and kills him instantly.

A soldier hiding behind some tanks overhears him questioning him. He quickly goes on the radio and alerts the General.

Soldier5: sir!

Cross: what is it?

Soldier5: he's questioning the soldiers for the whereabouts of Lieutenant Enzo’s location, and if he doesn't get it, he kills us

Cross: ...

Soldier5: what should we do sir? Tell him?

Cross: no, do not say anything! You keep your mouths shut about Lieutenant Enzo’s location, you hear me!?

While the General speaks, he hears the sound of his soldier choking and gagging.

Cross: what’s happening? Come in, do you hear me!? Come in!

Nero takes the earpiece of the soldier hanging on his hand and talks to the person on the other end of it.

Nero's voice.

Nero: Enzo? Is that you?

Cross: ..no, it’s the General of the men you’ve just killed

Nero: The General huh? You must definitely know where that piece of shit Enzo is

Cross: do you have any idea what you’ve done? These actions of yours are a huge signature in your death warrant

Nero: well the same could be said about what Enzo has done to me

Cross keeps silent and fails to offer up a response to the statement.

Nero: well, if this is how it looks to you General, then you leave me with no other choice. I see it as it looks more like a grave site for your men, and I'm going to continue to do this until you tell me what I want to know

While speaking on the radio with the General, Nero fails to notice that most of the soldiers have armed themselves with bigger weapons, others in their tanks, courtesy of Nadia Greene’s leadership.

Nadia: all right men, on my mark!

Nero turns to the army sight. He speaks into the radio.

Nero: it seems your men are very eager to die

Cross: funny, that’s what I was about to say, about you of course

General Cross gives Nadia the go ahead to make the order.

Nadia: fire!

Every tank, every rocket and grenade launcher fires towards Nero. He quickly covers himself with his wing, but not the whole body, the left side of his body remains vulnerable to the attack. And an explosion erupts.

Reborn: Ascensionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें