Dream Catcher

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[Who is he? What is the light that reflects on his body? What is the real identity of him? Wow.. What a magnificent hairstyle... Anyone can fall in love with him... But, no no.. It can't be that monster. No, no noooooooo.....]

Jannat: Aaaaaaaaaa..... (Screamed with fear)

Riya: What happened Jan?? Drink some water. What happened dear?

Jannat: The monster... The...th... Jahaan... He is the monster.. I hate him.. He insulted me... (Started crying)

Riya: Oh.. Ho... Calm down Jan..

[But the other one...]

[Jahaan's another secret hobby is reading books. He has a whole library in his home. He never wishes to read any story of a relationship, but today somehow he started reading 'Sonnet 18' by William Shakespeare. While reading the lines he lost on the thoughts of that silly girl.]

Jahaan: (But he recalls the slap at his cheeck, he tells himself in mind) No, Jahaan no. Don't fly over imagination. Stay from all of this. Otherwise this will finish you again. Just take a shower and deep sleep.

[Jahaan removes his shirt which he wears in the office. His chiseled physique, glistening with droplets of water, the contours of his well-defined muscles, accentuated by the shower's steam. It is like every water droplet praising his charm in a different way.]

[Jahaan got out of the bathroom and was wearing a white wet towel. His body is covered with water droplets. His hair is totally wet and he dries it with a hairdryer.]

[And then... He removes his towel and wears a black cargo pant and grey t-shirt, covered with a white shirt. And twisted the sleeves to his elbow.]

Jahaan: Oh.... Feeling very tired... You should go to enjoy a deep sleep.

[But whenever he tries to close his eyes the 2 eyes come over in front of him. Jahaan tries to dissolve them but they appear again and again.]

[At 3 O' Clock, Jahaan get up of his sleep with a terrible sound heading from his balcony. He walks on baby steps to watch over the balcony. But.... Oh my God. Again!!!]

[Jahan twisted with the luxurious curtains of Jahaan's balcony, as she scrolled up in his home.]

Jahaan: Don't you have any sense mad girl?? How dare you to come to my home? Arghhhhh...... Get out of here.

Jannat: (very calmly) Look Jahaan.. I...

Jahaan: (screamed in anger) How dare you to call me with my name??? I'm just stunned by your insane behavior.
Ok ok. I got the solution. I've to call the security. Otherwise....

Jannat: Ah.. Ok... I'm sorry for disturbing you. Look Mr. Jahaan, it's my kind request to you that please come to our college for the seminar. Otherwise... Otherwise...

Jahaan: Otherwise what??

Jannat: Otherwise he suspend me from college.

Jahaan: Oh, then I am very happy to see you with a college ID but having no college. (After taking a pause) Look, it's my decision to go wherever or not. And everybody know that Jahaan's no means no. (Pushed her to the door and tells anything and everything to his security guards.)
Thank You for reading...
Stay focused on the flow of the journey.

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