8.2 Feeling Homesick

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(A/N: double update?? who am I? anyways enjoy this short chapter) 

After a long day of studying, Skylar promised to help Bloom with her healing spells. The Winx were certain after the Red Fountain mayhem that Bloom had to have possessed some sort of healing spell. 

"Whatever book you took from the library doesn't seem to be helping." Skylar healed a plant that Bloom had killed. "It's really not that difficult, I don't even have to cast spells anymore to heal." 

"Easy for you to say!" Bloom teased. "You've literally taught doctors how to heal, wasn't it difficult in the beginning?" 

Skylar laughs. "That was a long time ago, maybe a little but—"

Soon Stella comes bursting in the room. "Have you two seen Amoré by any chance?" 

Skylar shook her head. 

"No I haven't." Bloom agreed. 

Skylar looked outside the window. "Last I heard, they were going to play some sort of Pixie Roller Derby but that was a few hours ago...Bamboozle Ball! That was it." 

"They were playing that in the morning! Surely a game of Bamboozle Ball doesn't take that long." Stella argues. 

Bloom thought for a moment."Layla said she couldn't find Chatta earlier. Surely whatever they were doing couldn't have taken that long. We'd better go look for them." 

The Winx gather together and start looking around, soon seeing Lockette and chasing her before finding some of the pixies. 

"Where have you guys been? We were worried sick!" Bloom scolds. 

The pixies seemed dazed. "Must...get back...to Pixie Village..." They repeated. 

Layla scoffed. "Are you mad? You know that Lord Darkar will follow you! He can't find the village, you guys know this!" 

Skylar bends down and looks at them. "Why do you guys wanna go home so much?" 

"Because...." Digit starts. "Just because!" 

Tecna scowls. "Because' is not a logical argument, Digit. This isn't like you at all!" 

"Amoré stop this nonsense immediately and come over here!" Stella demands. 

"No! We're homesick! We wanna go!" Amoré pouts. 

"Pixies! Scatter!" The pixies flee like mice, quickly flying away. 

"Girls! We need to transform! Magic Winx!" 

The girls quickly caught their pixies before putting them in a makeshift pixie room to keep them from escaping. 

"Let us gooooo!!" Chatta exclaimed. 

"Musa, this is very rude of you!" Tune complained. 

Musa bent down to talk to her. "I'm very sorry but we can't let you go to Pixie Village!" She explained. 

"Wait where's Piff and Salem?" 

Layla and Skylar flew down together, holding their pixies. "Don't worry, Piff flew about 10 feet before deciding she needed to take a nap." She laughed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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